05/05/12 07:50PM
I have a small request for the site if anyone cares to listen
I dont know about you all but I know I personally cant complete my session by looking at one image alone, I have to go through a couple before im done. So i was wondering if there was a way this site could have a way where you can go through images with out having to go back and scrolling through more pictures. Just a suggestion.

05/05/12 08:37PM
At the bottom of the page where the tags are, there is a Next or Previous feature.
Figured I'd point that would, for those who hadn't noticed.
05/05/12 11:22PM
something like this: ??
*hint* click the fullscreen thing on bottom right.
05/06/12 06:11AM
That would be rather useful Slayerduck
I like the idea of that implementing that to Xbooru would be an excellent idea.
05/06/12 10:30AM
If you guys like it we'll implement it....

Both me and Slayerduck don't think it's that useful, but it sure looks great. xD

No downtime will be required for putting that on the site, so...enjoy. :)

Xbooru Admin
05/06/12 10:42AM
05/06/12 04:49PM
Neat, just found a slight problem though
This program doesn't play Gifs or animations, figured I'd point that out.
05/06/12 07:01PM
Sucks bro :<
05/06/12 07:33PM
Don't have the resources to make it play gifs. Sorry.

Xbooru Admin
05/06/12 11:53PM
I was actually thinking about a way to flip between images without having to go back to the post page. Just click a button and your on a new image. I know this would help alot of people who view comics with multiple pages and those who use this site on their mobile device.
05/07/12 06:44PM
Speaking of Parent/Child or Manga posts
Alaron or Slayerduck could you make a noticeable message for those who are uploading that if they are going to upload a Parent/Child post or Manga post to add the Tags on every upload. I've asked this before, but never received an answer.

I'm tired of running a crossed a Child post which has "Tagme" on it and the only post with actual tags is the parent.

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