Date Aug 14, 2009User zippRating QuestionableScore 0(vote up)
2015-09-24 19:02:16
>> #198641
Barbarians break into the house..

(girls) "Please, sir, do with us what you will, but spare our poor nanny that has been kind to us these many years!"

(nanny) "Are you girls crazy?!"

(nanny, presenting herself to the barbarian for a fucking) "war is war, girls"
Date Aug 16, 2009User zippRating QuestionableScore 3(vote up)
2015-09-24 18:53:38
>> #198640
woman fantasizes about teasing and fucking guy on the tram.

he gets off the tram and catches a quick look at her tits as he does.

She calls him a "dirty pervert".
Date Aug 16, 2009User zippRating QuestionableScore 1(vote up)
2015-09-24 18:49:51
>> #198639
(last panel) "Look, Conchita, I don't mind you fucking the postman, but the plumber costs me $100 an hour!"
Date Aug 16, 2009User zippRating QuestionableScore 2(vote up)
2015-09-24 18:43:55
>> #198638
(girl, points at pussy) "This is where the father comes inside to put the seed that will grow the baby."

(boy) "wow, it's made really well!"

(boy) "there's even a mat to wipe your feet (before coming inside)"
Date Aug 16, 2009User zippRating QuestionableScore 0(vote up)
2015-09-24 18:41:50
>> #198637
"Why was the orgy scene before the murder recreated so faithfully?"

"So the jury would have all the details up-to-date."
Date Aug 16, 2009User zippRating QuestionableScore 2(vote up)
2015-09-24 18:39:58
>> #198636
(last panel .. loose translation)

"I'm working night and day more then enough. Marriage has it's privileges!"

I think this boils down to her being horny, but her husband is working all the time. So, she marches into work and fucks him there. She tells him that marriage has it's privileges, like her being able to fuck her husband as she pleases.
Date Aug 16, 2009User zippRating QuestionableScore 1(vote up)
2015-09-24 18:32:51
>> #198635
The guy gives her a candy for being so polite.

She trips and it falls on the ground.

She reaches over to pick it up, but he says "wait, there's hair on your candy!" (the candy got dirty when it dropped on the floor)

She responds by saying "no there's not, I'm only 8 years old!" (ie: she thought he was talking about her pussy, which isn't hairy because she's too young)
Date Aug 16, 2009User zippRating QuestionableScore 0(vote up)
2015-09-24 18:28:01
>> #198634
(guy) "I'm nice and early today. Sylvia won't be expecting me yet ..."

(guy) "I wonder what she's doing..."

(sex ensues)

(girl) "That was delicious. Do I get a kiss?"

(Slaps her)

(girl) "but ... what have I done to deserve that!?"

(guy) "The fact that you never once LOOKED OVER YOUR SHOULDER (to make sure it was me)!"

(IE: he thinks that she's been fucking some other guy, and that she didn't act the least bit surprised to get fucked in the middle of the day by someone showing up to the house.)
Date Aug 16, 2009User zippRating QuestionableScore 0(vote up)
2015-09-24 18:20:39
>> #198631
(lady) "You write in your letter that you are very motivated to come to work for our company!"

(guy) "yes, ma'am ..."

(lady) "The application process includes a role-play scenario. You know what that means?"

(guy) "I think so, ma'am."

(lady) "Well, let's assume I'm your employer ... and that you would like to make a promotion ... are we clear so far?"

(guy) "um, yeah ..."

(lady) "...and what do you do? You show your employer what kind of star employee you can be!" (loose translation)

(guy) "what?!"

(lady) "is there something else you would do?" (loose translation)

(guy) "gulp!"

(lady) "I haven't got all day!"

(guy runs away)

(suited man) "275 candidates, and no one is appropriate? That can't be! Are you sure this 'role-play scenario' of yours is reliable?"

(lady) "Yes sir! it is infallible!"

(lady) "It allows me to assess at a glance the ambition of these (underlings), and what sacrifices they're prepared to make (for the company)!"


This is a play on interview processes where the interviewer sets up a role-play scenario that the candidate has to respond to in order for the interviewer to assess some characteristic about them. Typical scenarios are "I'm a buyer of this product, how would you sell it to me?"

In this situation the plump lady is seeing if the guys will fuck her in order to see just how far they will go to succeed at the company. So far, no one has shown enough ambition.
Date Aug 16, 2009User zippRating QuestionableScore 0(vote up)
2015-09-24 18:03:38
>> #198629
Forgot to mention, I think "500 peak" is cash. They made a bet for $500... she didn't think he could go 10 times, he said that he could.
2015-09-24 18:02:35
>> #198628
(guy) "Yes! YES! ... and that's ... ah ah...!"

(guy) "... and that's TEN (orgasms)!"

(guy) "I, I won, ... see Jewel, ten times in a row."

(girl) "Sorry, you counted wrong. You know the bet we made when we ran into each other in the pub...."

(girl) "If you did not make it ten times, I would get five hundred of your peak."

(girl) "This was only the ninth time for sure!"

(guy) "but..."

(guy) "that was ten times, come on!"

(girl) "Nine, you're mistaken."

(guy) "Well, we will have no quarrel over it, because I know what we can do..."

(guy) "We just start all over again!"

(Girl is shocked that this guy can keep going)

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