Date Jul 16, 2009User zippRating QuestionableScore 0(vote up)
2015-09-25 14:51:43
>> #198720
(there's another comic on here with the same punchline ... the last panel translation is off if you literally translate it. However, a loose translation is "I work all night to control myself. Marriage has its privileges." Even then I'm not sure if I got the first sentence right. But, basically, he works all the time, she's frustrated, so she comes into the office to get what's rightfully hers by right of marriage... a good fucking.)
Date Jul 16, 2009User zippRating QuestionableScore 0(vote up)
2015-09-25 14:48:02
>> #198717
(girl) "Boo-hoo-hoo!" (crying)

(guy) "What's wrong, baby?"

(girl) "I'm so homesick, I want to return to America ... but all my money was stolen!"

(guy) "You know, I'll take you aboard my ship, you can sail as a stowaway. I'll bring you something to eat every day. And if you're occasionally willing to return the favor ..."

(girl) "Well, if I want to return home, there is nothing else I can do ..."

[and so... The days go by. for weeks ...]

(capt) "Psst, girl ... what are you doing here?"

(girl) "... the guy promised to take me to America as a stowaway. Do you know if we're almost there?"

(capt) "Well, I'm afraid not, girl ... see, you're on a ferry to Texel!"

(to understand the punchline ... Texel is an island off the coast of the Netherlands. Instead of getting on a boat that goes to America, the guy suckered her into getting on the ferry he helps operate that goes back-n-forth between the mainland and the island... hence the weeks that go by w/o getting to America.)
Date Jul 16, 2009User zippRating QuestionableScore 1(vote up)
2015-09-25 14:38:29
>> #198715
Translation on this one is rough. I think they're using some cultural-specific slang on some things. The point of the whole comic is that he calls her into his office via the intercom on her desk. She gets in there to help with his "problem", they start fucking, he makes a remark about "fast delivery, etc" (but the meaning is lost in translation... I'm sure it's funny as hell in Dutch). However, a bunch of guys are grouped around the intercom by her desk, because she forgot to turn it off and they hear them fucking. So they say "I wonder if we should tell them the intercom is still on?"
Date Jul 16, 2009User zippRating QuestionableScore 0(vote up)
2015-09-25 14:18:43
>> #198712
(different art style, but there's another comic that has this same joke ... essentially, the plumber comes over, and hits on the maid, then they start to fuck. The lady of the house eventually scolds the maid afterwards by saying "Look, Carmen, I don't mind you fucking the postman, but the plumber costs me $100 per hour!")
Date Jul 13, 2009User zippRating QuestionableScore 1(vote up)
2015-09-25 14:12:19
>> #198711
(last two panels, better translation)

"But, my lady, what would our guests think?"

"Do it, Rene!"

"If someone's going to fuck me, then they can at least grab my breasts while doing so!" (loose translation)

(she's being fucked over on the overly-expensive check)
Date Jul 14, 2009User zippRating QuestionableScore 0(vote up)
2015-09-25 14:02:55
>> #198710
That's harsh. Back in those days a plump woman was considered a rich man's trophy, because only rich men could afford to feed their wives so much. The whore house apparently has a very high-end clientele.
2017-05-12 17:33:51
>> #269308
The 2 most seductive lesbians that are the hottest attractive babes to love but only I realized there not somebody to mess with.
2015-09-25 13:10:09
>> #198702
Since when have you two had a thing?
2015-09-25 13:29:53
>> #198705
Nevermind, when you have patience and search the great internet landscape, you can find anything!!!
2015-09-25 12:26:43
>> #198696
Where are you getting all these Cartoon Valley pics from?
2015-09-25 10:10:26
>> #198692
My dick needs to be in there now.
2015-09-25 09:23:33
>> #198687

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