Date Sep 29, 2015User O2B_FreeRating ExplicitScore 31(vote up)
2015-09-29 04:47:19
>> #199206
download the whole comic from the source link.
2017-07-15 06:57:51
>> #276405
Vanilla simply breast feed Cream for the life of an intercourse
2017-06-03 02:27:29
>> #271231
Vanilla: that's good dear just keep sucking Mamma's breast
Cream: mmm (sucking)
2015-12-27 23:42:59
>> #212772
cream still is breast fed
2015-09-29 04:27:58
>> #199202
Oh my, this is
Date Sep 28, 2015User X8XRating ExplicitScore 32(vote up)
2015-10-02 19:58:11
>> #199767
no, the artist just does over-exageratted lips. Her bottom lip is inflated in the CGI program he uses. Unfortunately, he doesn't alter the texture, so the increase in size of the lip just stretches out the lip texture. The end result makes it look like she has a big fat lower lip she can't close, and it makes her look like she has intellectual damage. If you look really close you can see that the parting of the lips is infact very narrow. But, the texture on the bottom lip is the texture that would normally be on the INSIDE of the mouth/lip, not the outside.

Essentially the person just took some CGI models and worked them over to make them super-exagerated, but did a sloppy job when it came to the lips.

They did this with most of the black women in their works. Instead of looking like they have huge, pouty, dick sucking lips they look like they have a lower lip that's constantly drooping down uncontrollable, again, beacuse the inner lip texture is stretch all across the out lip making it look like "lazy lip". ("lazy lip" was used as a stereotypical art style in the early 20th century to make someone look stupid, retarded, ignoramus ... it was usually because people born with certain birth defects had large lips/mouths and they just kept their mouth open all the time. Artists preyed upon this to make fun of people in politcla drawings and such by drawing "stupid' people with those features... the big droopy bottom lip being one of the hallmarks of it.)

And on THAT note... TMI FTW
2015-09-29 01:45:32
>> #199182
What the fuck is wrong with her lips? Are the chain connected to her face?
2015-11-04 06:52:52
>> #204436
It hasn't been sped up,this is actual speed during this section of the loop
2015-09-29 03:09:00
>> #199186
No, it's been edited in someway. Super sped up or something.
2015-09-28 22:14:11
>> #199165
Is it supposed to look jerky?
That zone tag's lookin sketchy
2015-09-28 22:02:20
>> #199164
(baymax) "The vaginal massage is working. I'm detecting less condescension, aloof behavior, negative attitude.... your friends were right. Your lack of a sexual relationship over prolonged periods of time has, as they put it, 'turned you into a bitch'"

(Gogo) "Oooohhhhhhh Goooooodddd!!!! Plllleeeeeeaaaaassseeeee!!! Moooorrrrreeee!!!"

(baymax) "This will help you temporarily, but I suggest maintaining a regular schedule of vaginal massages to keep your brain chemistry in positive condition, which will also help with team morale."

(Gogo) "Goooooddddd...yeeesssss!!! Annnyyyythhing youoooouuuuu saaaaaayyyyy! Juuuusstt keeeeppp goooooiiiinnnnggg!!!"

(baymax) "59:59 more minutes before treatment is complete."

(Gogo) "Oooooohhhhhh mmmmmyyyyyy GOOOOOOODDDDDDD!!!!"
Date Sep 28, 2015User X8XRating QuestionableScore 43(vote up)
2015-09-28 21:48:40
>> #199163
Our school's mostly white, but there's a black chick on our cheerleading squad. A few things make her stand out. She's a single black girl amongst a see of white chicks, so... obviously she sticks out. But, she's also a straight A student and tutors. She also acts whiter then most of the white girls. All the white girls are listening to rap and trying to act hard. She listens to classical music, does choir. She's a really classy girl.

All us guys in football want to fuck her so bad.
2015-09-28 21:46:33
>> #199162
Aww... So cute!
2015-09-28 21:41:14
>> #199161
oh god yes please!
2015-10-04 06:14:15
>> #199957
^ I was just about to say something like that! Why isn't this a GIF?
2015-09-28 21:26:18
>> #199160
Have a feeling of this becoming a gif. Shhh hidden agendas
Date Jul 13, 2015User lordkuyohashiRating ExplicitScore 2(vote up)
2015-09-28 19:08:19
>> #199147
What a grip they're gonna have on male members!!

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