2016-08-12 06:27:39
>> #242887
Indeed, she truly has characterized shape and personality for ruling her kingdom.
2016-08-12 01:46:55
>> #242863
thank you sonic sweetie
2015-12-10 19:17:49
>> #210488
wow alicia your so sexy, its easy to see where sally gets her good looks from
Date Jun 9, 2015User unknowmoney23Rating QuestionableScore 39(vote up)
2016-06-14 23:42:09
>> #236183
*I want my cock in your little trap booty
2016-06-14 23:40:21
>> #236182
I wasn't my cock in your little trap booty
2015-12-10 18:52:18
>> #210487
OMG i want that cock in my lil trap body x3
Date Dec 9, 2015User unknowmoney23Rating QuestionableScore 28(vote up)
2015-12-10 15:59:05
>> #210483
Holy shit that's hot!
Date Dec 10, 2015User alegRating QuestionableScore 0(vote up)
2015-12-10 15:49:15
>> #210481
These are thoughts that run through my head when I see some hot chick walk by me at the store. I just want to dominate their ass and make them mine.
Date Dec 10, 2015User alegRating QuestionableScore 9(vote up)
2015-12-10 15:47:47
>> #210480
True Anon1, not to mention some dude abusing his gf. (Look at the comment under the "spanking" pic with that girl and her laptop.)
2015-12-10 15:44:02
>> #210477
It's good to let them explain, because sometimes people do bad things for good reasons.

This is not one of those times.
Date Dec 10, 2015User alegRating QuestionableScore 4(vote up)
2015-12-10 15:34:14
>> #210474
A direct hand swat lets the cheek absorb the blow. But, if you really want to be mean you'll slice your hand upwards so the palm glances along the skin and pulls upwards (you do a motion as if trying to waft a fart from her ass towards your face, but you let your palm connect with her ass while doing so.)

My gf likes spanking for pleasure and discipline. But, I found her doing dumb shit to get in trouble just to get a spanking (because she sometimes gets off on having an "upset spanking" where she feels she owes me her ass and I'm upset while spanking her). I caught on to her doing that, so I started altering my spanking styles to find the most unpleasurable spanking method possible. She hates the upward slice motion. It stings like a mother fucker according to her. So, now she's learned to fear discipline it should be. A woman obeys you out of respect and fear. If she respects you, then she loves you, and she will first avoid upsetting you to lose your love. But, respect without fear means she will still decide your love isn't enough to keep her in line sometimes. But, the fear of the spanking is the secondary fallback. "Hmmm... I'm ok with him being upset for a while (ie: losing his respect)... but I don't want the physical punishment. It hurts too much!" If a woman just respects you but doesn't fear you, then she'll walk all over you. If a woman only fears you, then you have an abusive relationship. Like Machiavelli wrote in The Prince, you must be both feared and respected.
Date Dec 10, 2015User alegRating QuestionableScore 1(vote up)
2015-12-10 15:44:38
>> #210478
Matter of fact, that was an abusive punishment.
2015-12-10 15:40:35
>> #210476
You spanking her like that makes you a cruel boy. This is why girls stay single. Boys like you do cruel, mean and dumb stuff like this. I feel bad for all those women out there including your girlfriend. I bet she wanted to break up with you.
2015-12-10 15:27:34
>> #210473
I guess I should say.. I made her type it 20 times the first time. Later I made her do it 100 times. Getting spanked meant she was being jostled around, wincing, etc, so she made spelling mistakes unless she really focused or took time to backspace and correct them.
2015-12-10 15:26:15
>> #210472
One time my gf fucked something up, so I made her type out "I will not be a fuck up anymore" on notepad on the laptop while she was over my knee getting spanked. I told her she could either take her time and do it right the first time while getting spanked, or she could rush through it and get an extra swat for each spelling mistake. She chose the latter, and there were so many mistakes I had to spank her 40 more times. I used this method of corrective training several more times until she learned to just focus, take her time, and not screw things up. She finally learned that that was the whole point. It doesn't matter if there's distractions or even pain, she needs to focus and take care of something important I tell her to do instead of rush through it and fuck it all up. By rushing through it she's disrespecting me; she's basically saying "I care so little for you that I'm just gonna blow through this shit you told me to do." It was a pretty good corrective tool. Still use it to this day... and she both respects and hates it.
2015-12-10 15:21:41
>> #210471
"The Vulcan in me finds corporal punishment for pleasure... illogical. But, the human in me ... just wants to spank dat ass."
2015-12-10 15:19:45
>> #210470
ah the eternal question... which came first, the fucking or the spanking.

The answer ... it depends on the guy.

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