Date Jan 19, 2017User theclitRating ExplicitScore 64(vote up)
2019-10-18 05:37:17
>> #346135
Who's edit is this? It's really good. IRJ.
2018-04-24 21:09:14
>> #300709
Virginia Bossa with wlmb.she fucks
2017-01-20 07:17:35
>> #259355
Take that dress off Lois!
2017-01-19 23:43:53
>> #259317
This Hot slut is perfect
2019-10-18 03:37:40
>> #346130
Time to get spooky.
2019-10-18 00:56:57
>> #346126
Dude... If you are born with a penis, and you go through puberty with testosterone instead of estrogen, it doesn't matter how much hormone therapy and plastic surgery you go through. You will never be a woman, you will never look like Blair White.Biological sex is binary. Malr female, and the small minority of peoplr TRANSitioning between the two binary genders.Stop listening to your gender studies professor and let the rest of us fap in degenerative peace.
2018-12-28 20:38:16
>> #323436
Did you get your word count goal in today ???
2018-12-28 17:41:00
>> #323432
#Anon one can be a girl in amind 100% or mixture of both,since sexuality is one of the most complex thing, and our soul and imagination is infinite & eternal, not to mention physically both male and female are very similar especilly since males form from the female later in the womb, vagina is basically a penis 2.0, come from same organ and body YET very different at the same time.Especially on the enrgetical level everyone is both male & female energy thats obv af,but in this case it has very little to do with flesh apperance and sexual attraction,at the mroe depper level we are neither,just pure energy,beyond any concept and idea.Physical body,etc is the LOWEST manifesttion of the spirit,energy,our real essence,same goes for this illuiory 3d 'reality',doesn't mean its inherintly evil,it used tob e paradise today is just pure hell ran by immature psychopaths accompanied by demonic filthy beings,and again it can be a nice place for us and our children and hope theyll have a feet to put fucking somewhere naturally on soil not born and live in some fake-ass transhumanistic immortal virtual worlds that are pushed with full-force making it look like a only way to "move forward,advance",spreading prooganda about death,like its some unnatural evil bad thing,and your gne forever,and that"we must make ourselves immortal so we cant die,and live in this fake-ass over-the-top limited 3d realm"yeah,right enjoy,eventually youll get bored, and yuo'll beg for death and escape and you wont be able to...again went off topic BUT at the same time all things are connected,this reality is LITERALLY a spec of sand in a ETERNAL beach,and that's only you,that's how god-like you are,beyond t6his flesh-prison,it can be a fun to some point,but eventually you'll just want to go GET THE FUCK OUT OF THIS EVIL-RIDDEN DOG-EATS-DOG FAKE WORLD,THAT IS LITERALLY JUST PLAYING MOMMY & DADDY IN A SANDBOX EXCEPT THEY TAKE THAT TOO SERIOUSLY AND DESOTRY,KILL,RAPE,ENSLAVE LIFE OF ANY FORM, THATS A FUCKING FACT,EVENTUALLY THIS-CLOWN-SHITSHOW WILL END IN A BAD OR GOOD WAY I DONT CARE IT WILL END,NO MATTER HOW BAD I'LL BE THERE TO HELP ANY1 WHO NEEDS LOVE,HELP,FOOD,I'LL GIVE ALL OF MYSELF TO ANY LIFE,SO ENJOY YOUR FILTHY FAKE-FANCY-PAPER CALLED MONEY WHILE YOU CAN,CUZ IN REALITY ITS JUST A THEATRE-CARTOON-TIER BULLSHIT THAT RUINED HUMANITY,YOU NEED LOVE OF OTHER BEING,FOOD,SHELTER,AND YOULL BE FINE,NATURE HAS EVRYTHING IN IT,FOOD,ETC Oh,wait they fucked that up too,its toxified beyond words,water air,snow,soil,they dont even fuckign let you live in nature,theyll claim its "goverment,state, owned"fuck you shitface,it MY earth,MY land,MY realm,I helped made,create this small paradise called earth,and you cocknoblers ruined it and life on it,and you'll pay for it,i wont do that 'eye-for-eye','fire-with-fire'cuz it leadsw to all destruction,i'll live my life,help life when it needs help,and i'll live where i want,do the fuck i want,i'll die whenever i want,suicide or not(yeah they even classify it as murder,crime)yeah,ofc why would they want awaken humans to go out of this ruined world,this evil system,ofc they want to be theyr slaves to be alive,brainwashed,dociled,posioned.If we all just do mass suicide,theyll be all alone,noone to troture abuse,fucking asswipe l0l.I dont condone it,but if you decide that its your choice,and when your ready youll be ready,its the most diffuclt thing a being could ever ever do,even gods are pussified to take theyr own lifes,not kill yourself cuz of lack of money or gone business,thats just stuff made of mud,its all fake,again you'll know when you have to do something,trust me.Noone have right to force anything even if they force someone to take some magical pill that cured theyr terminal cancer,theylll get thery ass-fucked by cosmic law,karma you cant force even if its good or bad,yeah sure you did a right thing,but if that person didnt wanted that then you did a bad thing.Noone should be forced about ANYTHING,especially about this filthy-ass-system,everyone should have abundance,food,shelter,freedom,total expression of art,sexuality,etc in a god way,true evil will always be's all so very fucking simple kids,you help others,show love doesnt matter to one person or million its the same act of Love,things would change in a matter of days,prob is ppl are so attached to these fake-ass-filthy thing with theyr egos,think if its gone theyll gone,dead too l0l...I know what im here to do,why i came here,i want to see,feel the unity of humanity,true love,true expression of spirit,paradise,NOT some fake-ass A.I.transhumanist technoology bullshit,not some fake tech singularity,or fake-ass 'paradise'in some virtual worlds.We need a real love,here on this soil,yet its a creation too,not real but still better to live well short and die,then be trapped in some bullshit-VR-world & with total mindwipe amnesia,with no abilty to escape,with your body pluged in some computer,in coma,or worse dead,but your sigitaal braincopy-ego in virtual world,thats the worst hell'll be glad to be able to die beofre any of this take 100% full-force here on 3d real,it did in many other places,realms,even in so called 'real-world' beyond this,but ill stay ptimistic and i'll say theres always way out no matterhow bad things look.I wont put any filthy chip in my body,brain no NeuroLink bs,no transhumanist-upopia superhuman-power bs,im already 'superhuman' beyond this flesh suit,i'll fix things here,if it gets really bad,no mater how,i'll do my best.It's gonna get B A D...I see it all,everyone gonna play they part,even satan which is a next worst danger,whanvre you want to call it,it's A.I.metal god,demiurge, fake-ass murderous,jelous,homophobic,insecure,immature god of the bible or any other abrahamic evil religions,that is an inuslt to honest christian and the real god-mind that is beyond infinity itself...Again live your life as you wish there are councicounces for EVERYTHING,evry world,evrey word,no wonder its called 'spelling' to speak, to 'cast a spell'thats why magic works,it workd cuz its based on this matrix code,its just manipulation of code,enrgy,its all mathematical here,in all matrixed,all tech based...again live your life,dont go against life,love it,heal it,help it,live neutral,and die well,dont submit to this death-culture system,or any tech that goes to your body,its all deception at this point,we already poisoned enough,by food,air,water,prooganda,etc,implanted enough with thery evil-tech by greys in 4d,5d realties...Thisis not insanity this is truth now,MILLIONS of people are wakign up,and know this,feel this,experiecne, this are on the front lines of healing humanity,fighting evil,we got this bois,we gonna take back this place,rebalance it,fix this mess,live,help others if we want,and get the hell out of here to our reall bodies,where we came from,home.I and many other are not here to destroy this small natural paradise,im here to help life,heal it,show love,compassion,exoress mysefl,expressa my soul,CREATE stuff,NOT destroy,i'm here not for long i know it,but i'll get things done this time for sure,i have no idea how long iv been 'playing' here but sure as hell it feels soOoOo fucking long,i already see through evry fucking thing,it feels dead,boring,obvious,done hundreds of times,feels like a fucking drag,YET i like it,it would be even more amazing if it was the it suppose to be,the we created,programed it to be,for begins to live,npc or not.It all boils down to you either go against life or for love,life itself.I dont care who you claim,to be or your status,wealth,dont care if your alien,god,demon,etc, if you go against my fellow man,my fellow animal,life,and me,just GET THE FUCK OF MY FACE YOU COCKROACH.I love you,you know as a human,as something no words can explain,cuz words are made to build illusiory ideas,world-views,beliefs,belief,culture is for someone who cant handle reality,cant handle oneslef,can handle theyr infinite content of theyr mind,you are SoOo much more than just this brain,body,your imagination is sOoOo fucking amazing,its fucking infinite,you can do so much for yourself,humanity,you are run by love,which is reality itself,its like a fuel for everything.Your mind,soul is so complex,amazing,spooky,beatiful you have no frickin idea,Psychedelics,enthegns,sacred plants show that to clearly,it destorys these fake-ass-ego-beliefs bs,indoctrinated personality nonsense,it opens up to your heart,imagination to your SEXUALITY,you might something you fight,hate(i speak of homophobes,they are what thye hate,kill thats obv,thats kindergarden level of psychology101,thats whole another topic,but thats something any rational,being with few brincells canfigure out)Reality is far weirder that even the maddest among as can even ever suppose,its infinite,you'll be abloterated,die of total fright,amazment,beauty,if you would be able to aprehend it even a small portion,yet there is no portion,its its truly infinite,eternal,portion implies a piece of some ammount of something,and that other impies its a thing adn thing has a begining and end,its mind-fuck-on-a-totaly-new-level,eath will tell you ALL,be readdy to handle the truth,baby.Cuz you will fucking face it,your fears,wat you hate,wat you love,your trumas,inner-demons,externall beings,you'll have to face it all,it's a huge journey beyond this,this jsut a spec of sand we're on,flat or globe doesnt,matter its ones n' zeros its creation,simulation,technological or not,its fake 100% even rigged mainstream scientism knows it know,and old ways are feeble now...undenaible proof thats this is simulation,you can test it yourelf,by simple phylosophy,by observing your mind,your percpetions,sensory imputs,it's obvious,that matter is fake,and mind,soul is the only thing real...tere are tons of evidence of many weird things,ESPECIALLY UFOs,there now TONS of undendiable videos,constant sightings more than ever begore, its massive,we are the end-point,ofc ppl gonna say videos are fake,not ufo,just blaahblahblah,ofc your so programmed,indoctrinated by this system,by religion,by mainstream science,by your own fears,ego that you'll deny the truth right in front of you,EVEN freakin establshment now discloses lots of real info,YET ppl dont believe,ppl became victims of themselves to this point...if you think ufo's are weird,or some other fring stuff you saw,wait till you die,its gonna make this look like a movement of a finger.All REAL fun,hardwork,fight,realization,awaking,joy,sadness starts when you die.No matter how awaken you are here,how spiritualy aware you are,how much truth you know of whats really goin on metaphysical level and below,death will show the truth,its the final puzzle piece you'v been building,it will show you who you REALLY are,you'll see,feel,know,be it foryourself...So love again to you,see you at the very 'end' of all there is,i'll be there in my true essence,in love,espressing true divine love,honest,real...
2018-11-14 21:04:41
>> #318705
It's a shame that dickgirls in the real world are nothing like this and they are never "girls" in any sense of the word.
Date Sep 2, 2012User SimsPicturesRating ExplicitScore 31(vote up)
2019-10-17 23:48:43
>> #346123
Wish they'd could put clothes on, while they have sex!
2019-10-17 21:26:52
>> #346119
Maybe, Ash Will Suck Her Pussy in Her Shorts!
2017-12-31 05:49:50
>> #290876
please add cumshot
Date Oct 17, 2019User nylon3DRating ExplicitScore 4(vote up)
2019-10-17 19:16:42
>> #346111
I imagine ALL older women with giant asses like this NEED this level of vigorous thrust to penetrate their MASSIVE ass cheeks to satisfying their sex starved vaginas.
2019-10-17 18:57:57
>> #346110
The best part of visiting Granny is giving her her daily butt slammings to her GIGANTIC and lonely ass and pussy!
Date Oct 3, 2019User BikiniArmorLoverRating QuestionableScore 13(vote up)
2019-10-17 16:40:57
>> #346108
I'll will gladly say more of my fantasies for you, my lovely blue vixen.
2019-10-13 18:09:50
>> #345815
I'll admit, I'm already a little satisfied hearing some of these, let's say, flattering fantasies, eheh.
2019-10-13 15:19:05
>> #345808
It's the wild blue vixen in her natural habitat.
2019-10-03 14:58:00
>> #345179
And Krystal won't disappoint you with her amazing pussy. It is wet and ready for your cock.
2019-10-03 14:54:34
>> #345177
Not to worry. I never leave them disappointed.
2019-10-17 14:40:09
>> #346107
It'd be very hard to resist such an alluring and dazzling beauty like Ivy.
2018-08-26 22:03:45
>> #311960
cool tits wide hips )
2019-10-17 12:47:46
>> #346104
Yoruichi, Sui-Feng, Kiyone and Harribel will be my lifelong Waifus I'd bring home here.All I'd do with them is take turns sniffing and eating each of their hairless pussies! Can just imagine what unique aromas/flavors they've got between their legs, something tells me Sui-Feng and Harribel have exceptionally strong scents and tastes but hey ya never know!

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