2019-11-28 12:35:28
>> #350376
I like your nipple/areola edits, LE! Many otherwise great artist don't put much attention to do unique and varied nipples. More nipple enhanching edits please! Can you please add some jucy nipples to this:
2019-11-28 11:57:57
>> #350373
tbh at this point i would start enjoying it
2019-11-28 11:52:29
>> #350372
gosh i want the joker up my ass
2019-11-28 10:13:54
>> #350365
Ride Velma Ride.
Date Nov 28, 2019User losttapes219Rating ExplicitScore 1(vote up)
2019-11-28 05:21:44
>> #350355
she be missin a boot der my buddy
2019-11-28 05:14:22
>> #350353
If he's NOT I as hell am... Mmmm breast milk!
2019-11-27 22:59:08
>> #350255
Yes mom! First I'm gonna eat you out, then drink your milk while impregnating you!
Date Dec 1, 2018User Mr.SwatRating ExplicitScore 3(vote up)
2019-11-28 05:07:12
>> #350352
Good old Peter Griffin, there's nothing quite like sexually, physically and mentally abusing your own daughter, treating her like shit and your own personal punch bag to take out your frustrations on, raping or beating her when the mood takes you, plus no one in the family lifting a finger to oppose you!!!Peter Griffin, living the good life!!!May you burn in hell you fat, useless abusive piece of shit!!!!!!!!!
2019-05-03 18:18:34
>> #332684
i want peter to funny moment me.
2019-02-13 14:07:11
>> #327256
Peter pulled out his erection, come on you little bitch, he growled at Meg, you know what to do, she sighed then knelt down taking him into her mouth, working away with her tongue.
She had to do as he demanded, she had the healed bones to know what he would do to her if she didn't, none of the others would help her, they were all too scared of him.
This was it, the last straw, she finally decided what to do, she had looked up what she needed from the web, now it was all prepared.
After he came and she'd swallowed every last foul drop, he punched her hard in the back, don't be so fucking slow next time he said, then went down stairs to watch television with the rest of the family.
She sat down and wrote everything down including her farewell, she did with some difficulty what she had to do, then she got up and slowly undressed, she folded all her clothes and left them on her chair, she even removed her glasses, she would just about able to see well enough to do what she had to do.
As naked as when she came into the world, she walked along the landing and down the stairs, everyone was glued to the television, no one look at her as she crossed the living room behind them, if you want me I'll be in the cellar, she said, shut up Meg, growled Peter, not bothering to turn his head.
She walked down the cellar steps and looked up at the rope, she had managed to tie it securely on to the ceiling beam, tying the noose had been the hard part, but there were step by step instructions on the web.
She climbed on the chair and slipped it over her head, then pulled it tight under her chin, no hesitation now, she thought steeling herself, it shouldn't take long, holding out her arms for balance like a tight rope walker, she gradually tipped the chair over until it was at nearly a forty-five angle then it slipped out from under her.
She was left swinging, her arms flapping as if she was trying to fly, her legs peddling away as if she was running along non-existent ground, as the noose tightened about her neck her face got redder and redder, her tongue started to protrude, and the oxygen was beginning to be cut off from her brain, her flapping and peddling slowed.
After a while all motion stopped apart from the swinging of the rope, her arms and legs were still, her head tilted to one side, her face a very dark red, her tongue now stuck out fully, her open sightless eyes glazed, a small puddle of urine lay on the floor, beneath her dripping pussy, by the puddle of piss were a couple of lumps of shit, as her muscles relaxed she had messed herself, her naked body showed the bruises from his beatings, exposed to the world at last.
The whole family gathered in front of her hanging naked corpse, they all looked horrified apart from an indifferent Peter who just looked annoyed, I guess the bitch finally decided to shut up, he said.
After the coroner's men cut her down they took her for an autopsy, the pathologist was surprised at the contents of her stomach.
The detectives arrested Peter for child abuse and assault, but where's your evidence, he shouted as they dragged him away, on your daughters body, all the bruises old and new, all the healed bones plus her statement and suicide note she swallowed just before she hung herself.
2019-02-13 12:47:12
>> #327255
Don't look at me like that, you'd do the same with your own daughters if you bastards thought you could get away with it!
Ahhhhh, Peter Griffin, living the fucking dream!!!
2018-12-26 14:14:32
>> #323155
I suppose that's one way to shut her up Peter!!
Date Nov 27, 2019User Mr.SwatRating ExplicitScore 5(vote up)
2019-11-28 03:15:00
>> #350342
Oh no, I am falling on his cock. ;0
2019-11-27 22:45:33
>> #350254
Put a middle finger why dont you, damn artist

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