Date Oct 24, 2019User rogermarisRating ExplicitScore 5(vote up)
2020-12-22 07:03:25
>> #373705
Such a nice beach, thought Marge looking around, plus no one knows me here, great, she takes off her top and enjoys the feel of the sun and breeze on her bare breasts, if only this was a nudist beach, she thought, I'd love to go all the way, she lays and relaxes with her eyes closed enjoying the heat of the sun, why hello Marge, she hears, opening her eyes she sees the Reverend Lovejoy and his wife, well as you can imagine my face must have turned bright red, I mean the Reverend and his wife and there I am topless, but at least I wasn't fully nude, she told Homer later, I couldn't really cover my breasts either so I had to pretend I was unfazed at having them out on show like that in front of him, still I don't know why I was so embarrassed about it all, all the women on the beach were just as topless as me including the Reverends wife, she had a surprisingly nice pair by the way, pity I wasn't there to see it all, said Homer with a grin, oh you, said Marge in jest as she grinned back at him, but do you know what the really embarrassing thing was, the Reverend was wearing a mankini, and my god you should have seen the size of his bulge!!!
Date Oct 24, 2019User rogermarisRating ExplicitScore 4(vote up)
2020-12-22 06:40:42
>> #373704
Sorry Homie, it's my time of the month, but you can take me up the ass instead!!!
2020-08-06 13:17:45
>> #367777
Shall we Marge, sure why not Homer, they both pull off their pants, errrr guys, said Ned, this isn't a nudist beach, it is now Ned, said Marge with a smile seeing him eyeing up her bare body, it is now!!!
2019-10-25 10:09:48
>> #346684
Damn it Homer, you've packed your swimming trunks and my bikini bottom, how did you not pack my bikini top!Sorry Marge, I guess I just forgot, thinks to himself, he he he!!!
2020-12-22 06:29:59
>> #373702
Hey-uh, Fluttershy, uh watcha doin with that condom??????
2018-12-13 21:50:06
>> #321973
Don't see any downside to this.
2020-12-22 04:55:21
>> #373701
Lisa could smell blood in the wind, she quickly padded towards the scent on all fours, as usual she was naked but her fur coat keep her warm from the cold night wind, she soon found the source of the scent, a body of a stranger lay on the ground as a nude male figure bent over it, his mouth latched onto the strangers neck, the figure got up, faced her and smiled, hello Lisa, he said eyeing her transformed body as she stood up, in her werewolf form she did not change that much from her human form except she grew a thick coat of fur, I heard there was a werewolf in town but I had no idea it was you, Lisa stared at the naked man, he had a nice trim muscular body and was well hung between his legs, it was Milhouse, normally she would have ripped his throat out by now and feasted on the flesh and blood of his twitching corpse but some thing held her back, she could see blood around his mouth and when he smiled she could see his fangs, yes, he said seeing recognition in her eyes, it's me Milhouse and yes am a vampire, he stared at her fur clad nudity, hmmmm nice set of tits you've got there, what's in the books is all bollocks by the way, I can go out in daylight and I always hunt naked, you never saw Christopher Lee or Bela Lugosi do that in the films, I don't feel the cold and it helps if I have to transform like this, so saying he changed into a large wolf, Lisa didn't hesitate, she dropped onto all fours turned and offered her bottom to him, he mounted her from behind and started to fuck her real doggie style, she grunted in pleasure as he fucked her hard, wow, thought Milhouse as he thrust away inside her tight wet pussy with his large erection, this sure beats fucking the girls before I drink all their blood, this could be the start of a beautiful friendship!!!
2020-11-11 11:16:37
>> #371930
Lisa got home barely in time, she could feel that the full moon was nearly over the horizon, running down into the cellar she hurriedly stripped off her clothes, there was no point leaving them in the cage, they would only get shredded, now completely naked she hurriedly stepped into the cage slamming the door shut she reached through the bars and locked them with the heavy padlock then carefully tossed the keys onto her pile of clothing which was well out of reach, she squatted nude and shivering, trying to keep warm as it has been a cool autumn day, thank goodness for that, said Bart as he walked in and looked at his caged naked sister, I thought you would be too late, I known I almost cut it too fine this time, you better leave Bart, she said standing and hanging on to the bars, completely unconcerned that her unclothed body was fully exposed in front of her brother, I can feel the change coming and it's not a pretty sight, she started to scream at the agony of transformation as he left and locked the cellar door behind him, mercifully it was quick, she felt her human consciousness fade into a darker and primeval form, one with no mercy, when she woke up she had an old familiar taste in her mouth and her body was covered in dirt and blood, to her horror she saw the small barred window had been wrenched away, I'll have to get the special repair crew in to refit and reinforce it for tonight, she thought, her strength seemed to be growing with each cycle, but now she just felt weak, as Marge came down to release her she asked who was it this time, Marge sighed, the comic book guy, as she helped her upstairs, still naked and heading for a warm shower with her mother who would help to wash her down then put her to bed to recover from the nights events she joked, well he used to say he had good taste in comics, I don't know about that but he sure as hell tasted good!!!
2020-10-10 08:11:22
>> #370550
Oh god yes, moaned Lisa in delight as Bart rammed his big, stiff erection home up her ass, oh yeh, thought Bart with a manic grin as he thrust away deep inside her, the train is well and truly in the station, this feels amazing sis yours ass is so tight, it feels really different to your wet pussy, what's it like having a cock up your butt sis, gasped Bart, out of breath from his efforts, his naked body covered in sweat, feels great but fucking weird, replied Lisa, a bit like being constipated and having diarrhea at the same time, strange but good, that's my Lisa, thought Bart as he felt his balls getting ready to cum, she's such a romantic!!!
2020-10-07 06:44:37
>> #370438
Bart have you ever heard of "Bukkake"!!!
2020-10-06 08:50:44
>> #370399
Lisa, called Marge up the stairs, have you seen Maggie, sorry mom, shouted down Bart, she can't talk at the moment, her mouth is full!!!
Date Nov 18, 2013User ian.r.jonesRating QuestionableScore 10(vote up)
2020-12-22 04:41:25
>> #373700
This is my first colouring in MS Paint. Sketch by Strike-Force.
2020-12-22 04:14:40
>> #373699
Why settle for 6 amy why not try 7?
2020-12-22 04:10:23
>> #373697
Excellent! I have full confidence in you, love!
2020-12-22 04:07:51
>> #373693
I'll call the guys and we'll arranged it. I'm curious to see if I can take 6 at once
2020-12-22 04:06:51
>> #373691
I adore your enthusiasm. It would be my pleasure to help you out.
2020-12-22 04:02:32
>> #373687
6? Oh my...yes
2020-12-22 04:11:50
>> #373698
We want to appreciate the full view, honey.
2020-12-21 04:18:58
>> #373639
I've made my decision
2020-12-21 02:11:26
>> #373634
Hey, do you mind? My eyes are up here
Date Oct 26, 2020User losttapes219Rating ExplicitScore 3(vote up)
2020-12-22 04:09:33
>> #373696
And I love the attention I get when the wind blows up my skirt
2020-12-22 04:07:56
>> #373694
Mmm, great minds think alike!
2020-12-22 04:03:35
>> #373688
That's what I was going for JFK
2020-12-22 04:00:30
>> #373685
That's just peachy. Perfect for...easy access.
2020-12-22 03:54:53
>> #373680
See told you I don't wear panties
2020-12-22 04:09:17
>> #373695
Hope y'all won't mind me squeezing into the middle, darling.
2020-12-22 04:06:26
>> #373690
Plenty of room JFK
2020-12-22 04:05:51
>> #373689
I have never wanted to jump into a shower more than this one.
2017-03-24 17:42:57
>> #264939
"Gets in the shower and licks your pussy" but even you need the love as well Amy, and I bet rouge noticed it.
2017-03-24 17:37:47
>> #264937
Knowing rouge like I do. And judging by her face your right scalie
Date Oct 20, 2019User JKFRating ExplicitScore 3(vote up)
2020-12-22 03:58:08
>> #373682
How right you are! It shall be my pleasure to stuff Asuka's tight butt as you enjoy her womanhood. Let's make this union official!
2020-12-22 01:15:05
>> #373677
There's always more than one hole ready for proper attention, isn't there? And while the front end is busy, the rear is more than prepared for action.
2020-12-22 01:05:52
>> #373674
Hm, fair enough. Just so long as I get my fair share of our busty brunette bride.
2020-12-22 00:59:04
>> #373672
Not before me you do, bud, there's no doubt that I'd be consummating the union right then and there without a second thought.
2020-12-22 00:24:28
>> #373669
I hear that! Such a beautifully designed dress that shows off the perfect amount of skin. I would wife Asuka Kazama in a heartbeat!

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