Wiki History Listing

V1 A [[parody]] image in which the humor is derived from the [[voice actor]] of one or more of the characters depicted. This is usually done either by one character [[cosplay]]ing as another character played by the same actor, or by a [[crossover]] of two or more characters portrayed by the same actor.

Other times, the connection can be between characters of different actors who have a real-life connection with one another (e.g. by marriage or familial relation).

This tag can also apply if:

* the character does a mannerism of its voice actor;
* the character does a mannerism of another character played by the same actor; or
* an actor cosplays/imitates his/her character and vice versa.

When tagging the voice actor connection, please also tag the name of the actor referred to by the connection. Only include the [[voice_actor]] tag if the actor him/herself is physically present in the image, or a character is cosplaying as the actor.

h4. Related tags

* [[color_connection]]
** [[hair_color_connection]]
* [[company_connection]]
* [[country_connection]]
* [[creator_connection]]
* [[look-alike]]
** [[hairstyle_connection]]
* [[namesake]]
** [[kanji_connection]]
** [[object_namesake]]
* [[outfit_connection]]
* [[power_connection]]
* [[season_connection]]
* [[stage_connection]]
* [[trait_connection]]
* [[weapon_connection]]

h4. See also

* [[look-alike]]
Updated by ChrisFClarke Thu, Aug 29 '24, 07:55