02/15/14 10:58PM
looking for German friends around
Mann (34) aus Deutschland sucht interessante Bekanntschaften zum Chatten und evtl. mehr. Ich bin bi, suche primär weibliche Bekanntschaften, aber auch andere Männer zwischen 18-30. Mehr auf Nachfrage.
03/16/14 02:39AM
Hallo, ich dachte, ich der einzige Deutsche war. Wo in Deutschland leben Sie?
04/21/14 02:24PM
bin auch aus deutschland
woher kommen sie den
05/01/14 10:01PM
PrincessBLARITY said:
TyrannWright said:
PrincessBLARITY said:
I lift zings up and put zem down!8D
Sure you do, you fucking ratchet. I even got your photo here. Looks a lot like you. :P fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaih...2348349750490050215_n.jpg
No ones ever told me that i was a wrench that can move in one direction!=3
Why am I even talking to you? You're too retarded to even get where I'm going. :/
05/03/14 07:58AM
Funny how this started out a simple german guy asking if there's other germans around (funfact: I for one am one) and it ended up like every other forum post. Pure and utter nonsense.
05/03/14 01:35PM
SimsPictures said:
Funny how this started out a simple german guy asking if there's other germans around (funfact: I for one am one) and it ended up like every other forum post. Pure and utter nonsense.

Are you a pure German or an Assimilated German

05/04/14 06:09AM
SimsPictures said:
Funny how this started out a simple german guy asking if there's other germans around (funfact: I for one am one) and it ended up like every other forum post. Pure and utter nonsense.
monix said:
TyrannWright said:
PrincessBLARITY said:
TyrannWright said:
PrincessBLARITY said:
TyrannWright said:
PrincessBLARITY said:
I lift zings up and put zem down!8D
Sure you do, you fucking ratchet. I even got your photo here. Looks a lot like you. :P fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaih...2348349750490050215_n.jpg
No ones ever told me that i was a wrench that can move in one direction!=3
Why am I even talking to you? You're too retarded to even get where I'm going. :/
einen schönen Tag!Have a nice day!=D
Face the fact that you're a complete idiot. It's why you're still a virgin.

If she's too retarded to get what you're saying then why keep talking. It kinda makes you seem like a bigger butthurt dick than what you really are :P
Not my care. You basically haven't experienced what I did with this excuse of a woman. :P
05/04/14 07:15AM
PrincessBLARITY said:
BronyJim said:
SimsPictures said:
Funny how this started out a simple german guy asking if there's other germans around (funfact: I for one am one) and it ended up like every other forum post. Pure and utter nonsense.

Are you a pure German or an Assimilated German

Now im interested..Wats the difference? :3

I second that, I didn't even know the "Assimilated" thing existed, but since pure probably means german mom and dad and then "Assimilated" would be german mom/dad and the other one from another country? If that's the case I'm pure, if it means if I used to live elsewhere and moved here that's also then not the case. Born and raised in Germany by german parents. Yet, not a Nazi, in case the stereotypical idiots show up.
05/06/14 05:21AM
PrincessBLARITY said:
SimsPictures said:
PrincessBLARITY said:
BronyJim said:
SimsPictures said:
Funny how this started out a simple german guy asking if there's other germans around (funfact: I for one am one) and it ended up like every other forum post. Pure and utter nonsense.

Are you a pure German or an Assimilated German

Now im interested..Wats the difference? :3

I second that, I didn't even know the "Assimilated" thing existed, but since pure probably means german mom and dad and then "Assimilated" would be german mom/dad and the other one from another country? If that's the case I'm pure, if it means if I used to live elsewhere and moved here that's also then not the case. Born and raised in Germany by german parents. Yet, not a Nazi, in case the stereotypical idiots show up.
assimilation definition. The process by which a person or persons acquire the social and psychological characteristics of a group: “Waves of immigrants have been assimilated into the American culture.”

hmm...curiouser and curiouser...

So a person that works well with others in a group it is? Then that's certainly not what I am. I work alone in every case, school projects. Chores at home. Studying at home. Others may be part of the wolf-pack, I however am a lone tiger. But I obviously don't mind others that can work well in a group, they're a motivation in fact.
05/07/14 05:06PM
what I meant by assimilated German means you are born from Germany but moved out west at a very young age(let's say between 5-6) such that English become your primary speaking language such that you can speak in fluently with no german accent although you can still speak and understand German you can't read or write in German.

Pure German means you live in Germany and although you can speak a little bit of English,you speak it with a german accent and you prefer to speak and do everything in German

05/08/14 04:46AM
BronyJim said:
what I meant by assimilated German means you are born from Germany but moved out west at a very young age(let's say between 5-6) such that English become your primary speaking language such that you can speak in fluently with no german accent although you can still speak and understand German you can't read or write in German.

Pure German means you live in Germany and although you can speak a little bit of English,you speak it with a german accent and you prefer to speak and do everything in German


I haven't moved and I do have an accent but I can get along well in german as much as in english not just a little. How else could I keep this forum up steady? But yeah, who doesn't prefer their primary language?

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