09/25/13 12:37PM
Welcome to all Lolibooru users! Also - a reminder!
First - a quick Welcome to all Lolibooru users. Unfortunately the owner of lolibooru has decided to give up on the site and decided not to host it again. We hope that you can reconnect with the community here on xbooru. If you're only into the pictures and not actual community we have a loli archive that will be linked below.

First difference you'll notice is that Xbooru does not sync any images. Everything here is uploaded by users. Second - Xbooru is not a Loli exclusive site. Never has been. Xbooru generally gets content that isn't allowed elsewhere. Most content found here is not allowed on sites like and the likes. Keep that in mind while browsing.

I would like to remind you all (old and new Xbooru users) that there is a difference between Lolicon and Toddlercon. Lolicon is, and has been, allowed on Xbooru. Toddlercon however has not. We will not tolerate any toddlercon uploaded to the website and will ban accordingly.

For the people that aren't aware of the difference between Toddlercon and Lolicon - Toddlercon depicts drawn characters of a much younger age then Lolicon. Toddlercon is strictly forbidden.

If you wish to upload your favorite pics from lolibooru to xbooru, the archive can be found here:

09/25/13 04:44PM
its just not the same :(
09/25/13 04:57PM
Hi, I'm from lolibooru. I will respect the rules (if I stay here) but I must ask: Is there a specific reason as to why toddlercon is not allowed?
Personally I don't hold one drawn picture any more morally wrong than another but I can understand that not everyone feels that way if that is the case here.
09/25/13 05:00PM
Aza said:
Is there a specific reason as to why toddlercon is not allowed?

Laws and stuff, we can defend the point of a loli not having a define age because of the looks but toddercon is like baby rape stuff.
09/25/13 05:10PM
hardly, if drawn images were a crime, the age would make no difference then. You don't get less time for raping somebody if they were old. So if you personally define images as real, then all the laws apply.
09/25/13 05:17PM
Aza said:
Hi, I'm from lolibooru. I will respect the rules (if I stay here) but I must ask: Is there a specific reason as to why toddlercon is not allowed?
Personally I don't hold one drawn picture any more morally wrong than another but I can understand that not everyone feels that way if that is the case here.

the advertiser service most likely, the icky factor has been the downfall of many sites or content on those sites. Lets face it, most sites on the internet are business first, and the controversial stuff is always a problem. Paypal for example wants nothing to do with anything morally or socially questionable.
09/25/13 07:13PM
Also there's clearly people in the comments who consider this toddlercon (and I agree with them)
However it's been here since 2011. Is that picture not considered toddlercon then or are there exceptions to the rule? Are there specific criteria that an image must have in order to be considered toddlercon? Can we specify the exact difference between toddlercon and lolicon?
09/25/13 08:01PM
no, thats not toddlercon. Do you even know what a toddler is? Do they look like they still breastfeed to you?
09/25/13 08:19PM
lets not make this a topic about toddlercon please, the decision is final.
09/25/13 09:39PM
I'm not trying to change the rules here, I understand that I have no authority for that. I'm just saying that it's hard to follow such a rule if half of the users disagree on what is even considered toddlercon. Rules need to be clear and easy to follow.
09/25/13 09:45PM
Oh lawd
So all the lolibooru users *cough* pedos *cough* are migrating to xbooru and bringing their messed up fetishes here? AH HELL NAW
09/25/13 10:51PM
nvm, the new owner of the domain decided to redirect the traffic to another site instead of xbooru. This announcement is void.
09/26/13 09:33AM
Well.... That was short-lived.

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