03/02/12 06:06PM
A large percentage of the reported posts are re-posts. I'd like to ask all of you to try to avoid re-posting images.

If this continues I'll start monitoring the users uploading re-posts and am going to issue bans.

Xbooru Admin
03/02/12 07:34PM
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is by far the best knews I've ever hear on this site!!!!
This has been going on for far too long,almost everyday someone posts a tram pararam re-post,and its quite annoying to see 5-10 of the same pic,thanks again alaron!(:
03/04/12 05:11AM
On there seems to be an image clone detection. (Uploads on popular boorus sometimes fail with a warning: "An error occured. The image could not be added because it already exists or it is corrupted.") Do we have that here?
03/13/12 08:32PM
alaron can you make it so people can't upload re-posts? Its so annoying that there are so many re-posts on here :/
03/14/12 07:27AM
The re-post detection system is active on xbooru but it's not perfect. You can't upload an already uploaded image only if the image was not changed at all.

Saving it again or making it in any way different (changing resolution, name), any minor or major change tells the system to pass the image.

The only thing you can do is report them and I'll delete them as swiftly as possible.

Xbooru Admin
03/14/12 07:53AM
I won't lie, Alaron that "System" is more like Swish Cheese.
It just literally has that many holes in it, I believe you should start working on coming up with a better system to remove reposts other then Reporting them.
03/14/12 08:17AM
There is a better system, its called iqdb. A reverse image lookup database that actually looks at the image and not just a MD5 hash. However putting this on the site as a upload check is not technically possible at this time duo to the lack of programmers skill and budget.
03/14/12 08:32AM
Hows that whole "we're going to let Anonymous trolls ruin the fanbase of this site" going for your budget?
Just curious, I just think it would be wiser to make the forum & fanbase of the site grow by getting rid of the Anonymous ability because all we're getting now is Tag Spam in the comments. Thinks about it this way, more actual users come on daily and visit the site commenting on everything and visiting the ads. Doesn't that sound better then, random trolls here & there that don't pay attention to hardly anything...

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