2016-12-30 17:20:49
>> #257191
Momo's pussy is getting fucked real hard here.
2016-12-30 17:08:18
>> #257190
Love to see more of her ass get a good pounding.
2016-12-30 16:56:14
>> #257187
Trying to imagine the look on their faces when they're coming...
2016-12-30 16:55:06
>> #257186
Would slowly roll her foreskin back wit my lips and tongue...
Would so eagerly engulf her pretty balls!!
2016-12-30 16:53:31
>> #257185
Nice little trap tool, here, half hard, and very cute little balls hanging under such a pretty round ass!! Skin looks so soft and warm!! Would spend so much time slowly licking and sucking on all this!!
2016-12-30 16:41:00
>> #257184
This is much for her to handle!!
2016-12-30 16:34:42
>> #257182
Yami, the blowjob assassin.
2016-12-30 15:28:38
>> #257178
Holy Horse Pussy! My cock's about to have a MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Date Dec 30, 2016User dorugamoneoartRating QuestionableScore 1(vote up)
2016-12-30 15:28:22
>> #257177
You have an interesting idea.
2016-12-30 14:36:55
>> #257176
If a guy was able to control his cum and draw shapes and things with it... wow, that'd be pretty damn impressive
2016-12-30 14:34:26
>> #257175
chubby puppy girl is best puppy girl
Date Dec 30, 2016User WorkonThisRating ExplicitScore 3(vote up)
2016-12-30 23:24:04
>> #257241
men and women are machines...... the human body is just a machine....... wake up , friggin 'murica......
2016-12-30 16:02:37
>> #257180
Thanks for your comment, but OMG are you serious?

You completely missed the emotional element of the poem & drawing!

No one is interested in a dry lecture from an anonymous writer in the comments section of an art & porn website.

And no one has the patience to read 10 paragraphs. If anyone wants a history lesson they can read a book by a reputable historian.

No judgement intended but you would do better to write with your feelings and forget the intellectual bullshit.

No one is thinking about art & porn… they are FEELING.
2016-12-30 14:33:20
>> #257174
Ultra-Submission formed as a survival mechanism. There were already submissive men and women.. the submissive men created a pecking order of who was in charge and who did supplementary roles. (Submission is not a bad thing.) For women, it created a pecking order of women in the tribe, too, but also helped them cope with the aggression of men. Men had to be strong and rough to survive back then, so women had to get turned on by that and succumb to it in order to get bred by them. If a woman was too defiant or strong-willed, she would either end up paired off with a submissive man that she clicked with, would get broken and bred by hyper-aggressive males trying to put her in her place (ie: raped), or wouldn't get bred at all.

Generally, two dominant people butt heads too much to want to breed, and two submissive people aren't getting the aggressiveness they desire from a partner to breed either. So, generally, there is some pairing of dominant to submissive that enables breeding. The offspring has some mix of dominance and submission themselves (eg: they may be a beta male that likes to work support roles in a community to help others, but they may be alpha at home with their wife). This breeding keeps the dominance and submission balance in check in society, b/c if someone is too submissive they end up getting walked all over and sometimes even bullied to death by their peer group (eg: men bullying another man during trials to prove his manliness, or women bullying a woman until she commits suicide). If they're too aggressive, they tend to get eliminated from the breeding pool, too, b/c they either do dumb shit (like egotistically attacking large animals in a hunt to prove how manly they are and thus dying, or they're a raging bitch queen that someone murders b/c they can't stand them).

With cultures warring and taking prisoners, though, ultra-submission came about as a form of survival. To the victor go the spoils, and the conquered people became enslaved usually. The hyper-aggressive people in the conquered culture would get killed... either tossed into a gladatorial pit to fight to death for entertainment or religious worship, sacrificed for religious reasons, or just killed for being stubborn when told to do a job or something.

When you conquer a people, you want compliance, not defiance. So, you eliminate the defiant people, and keep the compliant ones around.

The compliant ones were usually submissives.

However, an enslaved culture that has been conquered is usually mistreated for the first generation of it's new life with its captors. The women are raped. The men are beaten. They are all treated like shit.

So, ultra-submission... where some women evolved to like being bound, gagged, raped, hurt, etc..not only kept them alive, but got them bred and helped them pass on genetics. The aggressive men of the conquering tribe would have all the right buttons hit when they started to abuse a woman, and find that she wilted, cried, moaned.. and stockholm syndrome would set in where a captive starts to love their captor. The captor having all the power and exercising it over the captive just made the ultra-submissive love the captor all the more, and relationships would form.

The same happened with submissive men. They would get beaten and abused, but kept around as servants. If they were good looking, they got bred by the lady of the house as she slept with him on the side behind her husband's back, or the conquering people would essentially perform animal husbandry by breeding a submissive slave male with a submissive slave female to create a new offspring of submissive slaves. They would take the most submissive, but useful (ones that were strong and could work hard, but were easy to break and control) and breed them.

Thing is, after time, cultures merge together. Generally the 1st generation is conquered, the 2nd generation is indoctrinated into the new culture, and the 3rd generation is assimilated (finally becomes a part of the culture as if they were never a separate people).

People fall in love, have children, and then love each other more b/c they have children. So, as generations go by the enslaved culture merges with the conquering culture and they become a single culture.

Hyper-submission remains as a survival aspect of humans in order to keep us alive in times of duress. Some people are just wired that way. Others are wired to be dominant. Neither is good or bad, it's just how some folks are. Knowing what makes you tick can help you understand what roles you can be good at in society, and especially who you can connect with and what kinds of sexual partners and styles of sex can fill holes in your heart.
2016-12-30 13:30:09
>> #257173
For thousands of years I have been owned by every man who claimed me;

I was a bound woman.

For thousands of years I guided you to suckle at my breast, a servant who spawned humanity for you;

I craved to be overwhelmed.

Within you this very minute beats the heart I created and the strength I command;

I am a wanton woman.

Even now you boil with desires to touch me, please me, reach within me where I silently watch & wait;

I must feel claimed by every man again.

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