2017-02-23 04:03:36
>> #262148
Terry made good on her promise to the Neighbor fox boi, and when she found out the Bunny GFs mother was a patron of her gym, she saw her opening and theirs. Quickly learning that the little bunny girl had a pair of Lesbian moms at home, and seeing that only as more holes to fuck in one household, she began her mission of seducing and bending the bunny moms will to her own. Soon to have another household under her sway.
2017-02-23 04:00:56
>> #262146
We here at Chimera Tech are committed to making a better you possible each and every day. Our many breakthroughs have allowed us to revolutionize the medical industry and end the scourge of medical conditions long thought untreatable. But we are not one to rest upon our laurels and neither are you. As one of the newest members of our fine corporation to possess a level 5 clearance you have been granted access to the following video archive of our company’s lovely mascot and the adopted daughter of the President herself.

Many, of course, will recall the long and winding path the young squirrel took to change herself from an unhappy but brilliant young student, formerly known as Trisha. into the much more well-adjusted individual you see today, now known as Trish. Those with level 3 and above clearance will also have had access to the full unedited versions of her transformation and the prior circumstances which made her choose such a radical transformation.

If you’d like to brush up on this history, please feel free. Those with prior knowledge may go to the newest video. We do apologize for the six month transition but felt that, while entertaining, the intervening records would not provide a sense of closure on this little journey.

And remember, any individuals attempting to distribute the following files to unauthorized individuals or organizations will be subject to Clause 23-A on their contracts. Otherwise please enjoy.

The timestamp on the video shows a difference of one year between the last message sent to Trisha’s former legal guardian.. It appears to have been taken shortly after a session of intense sexual activity, judging by the heavy breathing and fluids leaking free of the older squirrel’s cock-stuffed cunt. Below on the floor is the younger sister, kneeling just to the side and gleefully lapping up this overflow from the nuts of Trish’s partner. Said partner can be identified as Chimera Tech’s President once Trish’s fluffy tail has been brushed out of the way. The hermaphrodite fox is wearing a custom business suit...a sharp contrast to the street walker attire of Trish and the slutty rollerblader sensibilities of her younger sister Vette.

“Good day.” The fox speaks with a rich voice, unhurried even as she continues to effortlessly hold up the very pregnant Trish. “I am here to inform you that Trish has recently completed her full and complete memory wipe of her prior life with the two of you.” A soft smile flows onto the lovely vulpline’s muzzle with all the confidence one might expect. “I was content to merely keep the young girl away from parents who failed upon every level to address her needs in any regard and allow her to become everything you would consider shameful. In fact, I suspect that pain was renewed each time the two of you saw her in another of our commercials.” She pauses briefly to lean down and wrap her muzzle around Trish’s tit. From the milky fluid leaking from the other’s nipple, it would not be hard to assume the vixen is having a quick drink. “But as time passed it became clear that the events of her time with both of you were a continued detrimental influence to her happiness. And so Trish came to me to ask if I could take those terrible times away.” A tongue sweeps up a stray droplet of milk hanging off the vixen’s muzzle before she continues. “I did so. Replaced with the knowledge that she has been, has always been, my wonderful daughter.”

“Yeah! She doesn’t need either of you! And neither do I!” Shouts the younger squirrel quite suddenly. Her face makes the outthrust lower lip merely cute, but the hot look of anger in her eyes does a lot to back up her words. “You told her she had to study, study, study. And I had to behave.” The voice she puts on is clearly an imitation of one or both parents. Albeit badly done...perhaps purposefully so. “Don’t roughhouse Vette. Don’t get your clothes dirty Vette. Don’t hang around with those people Vette. Don’t even think you’ll get to join the sports teams Vette.” The sporty squirrel sticks out her tongue looks up at the vixen. She glances back at the camera and gestures to the collar on her throat, which reads Dyke. “I’m doing what I like now. And that includes being a lesbo slut, remember how you called me that when you caught me with those Playboy magazines, and having the time of my life. Neither of you are ever gonna force me to marry ‘some nice boy’ because you want an in-road to some family or another. Or maybe you thought it’d just turn me straight.” With that, she turns back to the vixen and licks along her nuts. “I’m never going to touch a cock besides Daddy’s.”

The vixen has remained calm and without much change in expression this whole time, resuming her prior speech as if the interruption never occurred. “Vette has her memories still. But she takes pleasure in defying your prior wishes and pursuing her own dreams.” It is at this time that Trish’s eyes begin to gain some hint of consciousness once more. “Ah. There we go.” With one hand she gently cups and lifts up the squirrel’s face, turning it to allow for a brief kiss. Trish’s voice is bright and energetic, “Daddy!” Her cheerful demeanour seems undimmed despite a recent mind-frying by way of herm-cock. “Did I pass out ag…” Her bright eyes catch sight of the camera. “...huh, are we making another commercial?” The vixen shakes her head softly and replies. “No. Trish. This is a video to your mother and father. Your real ones.”

A look of confusion springs up almost instantly on the squirrel’s face. “But you are my real Daddy.” There’s no change to the vixen’s face, but there is a glimmer in her eyes. Vette herself looks positively sadistic at the reaction. “You always say that just to tease me. Just because I’ve never been smart like you or Vette…” Her eyes tear up a bit. “I still know who my real parents are.” From happy to confused to sad and now to fussy, her emotions swing rapidly between extremes. “Come on Sis, don’t you remember Mom and Dad? They were these mean jerks who always made you do whatever they wanted.” Trish shakes her head rapidly, making those pigtails bounce, and huffs. “No! Daddy’s Daddy. Daddy loves me. She’d never make me do anything I didn’t wanna do. Ever.” At this, the vixen leans in to kiss at the squirrel’s throat. Whatever else she might have said vanishes in a coo of delight.

“That’s right Trish. It’s just like you said.” She places her hand on that swollen stomach and smiles with a genuine warmth which belies her frosty demeanour. “But why don’t you give the people this video will be sent to a happy greeting anyhow. It does pay to be polite, after all.” Whether the change in conversation to topics which don’t cause such distress, the light pumping of the fox’s hips, or perhaps just because she’s been given an order to follow, the squirrel responds with commendable alacrity. “Hi there! Trish here! Stuck on Daddy’s dick again. I’m, like, sorry it’s been such a long time since my last commercial. But I’ll totes be back soon once Daddy’s baby comes!” The fox once more clamps down on a tit and suckles a drink from it, forcing Trisha into slight squirms as the thrusting continues. “Like, look forward to my new milk commercial! Sis’ll be joining me, that’ll be fun!!” She raises one hand as Vette throws up a peace sign, sticky threads of seed and spit connecting her tongue to the vixen’s bouncing nuts as she does so. Trish raises a hand as she continues to speak with her free tit and belly bouncing slightly. “Hugs and kisses to all who support and cheer me on.” Her expression is one of pure happiness. Pure, honest, unrestrained joy. “Bye bye!”

Static follows for a few brief moments before the video resumes. A sterile white room without windows or doors is present. Individuals covered from head to toe in skin-tight purple outfits, the material so form fitting that it wraps around them like a second skin, revealing a room full of females and herms. But for all their outfits reveal, helmets hide their faces and give their voices tinny qualities whenever they speak. They seem to be hooking power lines and data cables into a massive machine from which hangs the one female who exposed of both body and identity. “Hi Mom! Hi Dad!” Trish is sitting down in a massive metal chair with a smile that defies her horrific surroundings, straps tightened around her wrists, ankles, thighs, and a pair of straps crisscrossing her chest that seem to make her tits pop out. “This is a bummer but it turns out the treatments they’ve been giving me to make me happy and perky aren’t sticking. I’ll get smarter, sadder, and depressed no matter what they’ve tried.” She pouts and doesn’t sound that broken up about it. “But, the old Smart Me figured out a way to fix that. And all I gotta do is get rid of any memories having to do with you two!” She’s bouncing as much as her restraints will allow her to in her excitement. So it’s mostly her tits and hair. “I’m so super duper excited!” A figure comes over and pulls the last strap into place, keeping Trish’s head against the chair. “Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!” The video flickers with static as the massive machine powers up and Trisha is wrapped in a field of crackling energy. Her expression shifts to a lewd, warped, and utterly depraved version of ecstasy as her eyes roll back and her tongue hangs out. She buckles and moans and screams out in ways which speak of nothing but pure joy as the machine does it’s work.

The video cuts out just after Trish squeals out a single word, “Pop!”

The parents of Trish and Vette were shown the following video midway through their rehabilitation and conditioning treatments. Until then they’d proven remarkably resistant to the efforts of our best teams but broke with shocking rapidity upon seeing the following. Neither of them have proven difficult to reshape into one of our long-term test subjects and floor models, helping to pay off the damage both of them committed alongside the other employees whose misguided morality nearly set Chimera Tech back billions of dollars and years of research.

At their current salary of ten cents a day, it should only take the parents about two-hundred and thirty-seven years to pay us back fully. Quite generous given their crimes against us.

Please note that of this time, Trish has starred in our newest dairy product commercial for the protein shake formula designed to enhance the best qualities of those who fail to live up to the masculine ideals of our society. Although formula PX-10-906, affectionately referred to as Twink Drink by our research team, has yet to be produced in mass quantities, it will be field tested at a local gym run by an associate of the President. Those looking to be kept up to date on this newest product from Chimera Tech may speak with Human Resources.
2017-02-23 03:48:03
>> #262145
Oh my god I fuck her and suck her tits
2017-02-23 02:39:03
>> #262143
I'd love to have her as my little sexual maid I have her suck me off while she sucks she'd would use her duster to dildo my ass then I'd turn her over and do horrible sexual shit to her
2017-02-23 02:16:09
>> #262142
Meg can pound me anytime, yummy
2017-02-23 01:23:10
>> #262140
Just a quick one. I liked the idea of this artwork, but wasn't happy with the position of the redhead. So I modified it slightly.
2017-02-23 00:17:21
>> #262136
If I had the chance , I would go ballistic on this whore.
2017-02-22 22:02:11
>> #262129
Ooh looks like Shadow is gonna be part of the fun now...
2017-02-22 21:17:40
>> #262122
This thing turns me on soo much!
2017-05-21 13:21:10
>> #270178
Wow she's so damn cute. Is it weird to say I'm in love?
2017-02-22 18:59:58
>> #262114
Dayum! you can tell she's enjoying that

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