2017-03-07 06:43:17
>> #263290
Nothing wrong with some thickness but
2017-03-05 23:43:36
>> #263132
What the fuck is this? There is nothing attractive about morbid obesity. This is just gross!
2017-03-06 04:28:20
>> #263148
my apologies.
the artist included a story in his description box. unfortunately we lack such a space, so i made use of our comment section.

(a note to all viewers and readers. I ask that you please refrain from voting the 'story' comments above -1. should you not enjoy the story, please feel free to downvote as you wish. I only ask this, so as not to create a wall of text on the comment page as well as in the image's comment section. thank you for your understanding.)
2017-03-06 02:31:22
>> #263141
dude i get that you want a story but jesus its an image..
2017-03-05 23:04:51
>> #263129
As Edelbert cries out as his orgasm overtakes him, M'Zurga continues to ride him, but rolls her hips slowly now, coaxing the young man's cock into emptying all that it has into her. The expressions on their faces in this moment are quite telling. Look upon them for a moment. Study them.

The expression Edelbert wears here is similar to the one all of the human men of Brisby wore in the end, old and young, both former husbands and their sons, when both their bodies and minds were driven over the point of no return by the Orcess who claimed them. For a large portion of these other men, perhaps a third of them, this had occurred months ago, on that first night when the village was conquered. For those, the outcome of their Orcess's efforts was now readily apparent in her large and swollen, pregnant belly. Soon, there will be a mass ritual, just as there was a formally conducted mass ritual of breeding following the unplanned and chaotic orgy on that first night, there will be a gathering where all equally expecting Orcesses will deliver together. Their human mates and these men's respective former wives and families will be made to watch, the human females will be made to assist in the deliveries, and as the air fills with the first squalls
of healthy, newly born Orcish pups, a finalization of this knowledge will be etched into the human's minds: just as a coupling between a human male and Orcish female is natural and undeniable, so to is the outcome of Orcish children who typically bare little resemblance to their fathers.

During their mating, Edel had kept smoldering eye contact with the Orcess, his face almost an animal's snarl as the two of them rutted. But now, admirable in M'Zurga's opinion as his display was, that was over with. Now Edel could only shout with urgency and moan, his eyes squeezed shut in submission, acceptance, as his cock spasmed and erupted inside of the Orcess chieftain. As was natural.

M'Zurga's expression here reflects her approval of such a worthy young human mate. It is in this moment of conception, perhaps a softer expression than her norm. Of course, like a rare comet burning through the sky, in this moment of shutting his eyes, Edel does not see the pleased grin on the Orcess's flushed face. He has blinked and it is gone.

This pleasure is one side of a duality of feelings inside of M'Zurga, both valid, yet mirrored. The soft pleasure she shows here, not only at this inevitable outcome, but with the progress her chosen mate has shown, with the promise and validity he has thus far shown in proving himself to be an exceptional choice, is contrasted by a swelling and savage urge echoing inside of her to shout out at the top of her lungs as if victorious in battle, and proclaim conquest this in her kind's language. A deep, primal feeling of dominance and superiority, knowing that her healthy young human mate's bloodline has now been forever diverted, what was once a human lineage, now has been redirected and made Orcish.

Both of these exist within her in this moment, simultaneously equally pressing and equally true.

However... while it is exceedingly rare, it is not impossible for an Orcish child to be born who does indeed bear some signs of their human lineage. It is said, after all, within Orcish society itself, that the great Gur'ulak, the first of the chieftain warriors to unify the majority of the tribes and clans under his leadership, bore striking, flaming red hair and carried himself with strategic demeanor unfamiliar to the majority of Orcs.

As Edel's seed is welcomed into M'Zurga's fertile womb, the magical lizard beast's eyes flash... A ripple had been formed in the world's magical energies... For good or for bad, it was impossible to say. Not that there wasn't some expectation of what may occur years from now, but rather, because a lizard beast, magical and rare though they may be, is not capable of speech... and cannot tell, even if they wished to, what it is that they had sensed and in a collection of potential futures, have monetarily seen...
2017-05-02 00:37:13
>> #268297
girls, if ure this hot, please rape my dick all u want
2017-03-05 23:03:44
>> #263128
"For the good of Orcs." In their tongue, it is "Ork'ga Th'rok Kaa." The phrase has many meanings, many interpretations and its translation from the Orcish to human dialect is not precise. Suffice it to say, it implies a general sense of elevation for Orcish kind, of improvement, betterment. Human men fathering healthy litters of Orcish pups, children that bear little resemblance to them and will be raised in the Orcish way, is "Ork'ga Th'rok Kaa." Every human male who is taught his place in Orcish society is "Ork'ga Th'rok Kaa."

But for a chieftain, an obedient mate who breeds Orcs is not enough. She must be sure of her judgment, certain of her decision that she has chosen the most worthy human within their village, a most worthy mate to father exceptional young. It is not a matter of simple obedience, of breaking the young man, for if that was what M'Zurga wished alone, she certainly could have done so by now. No. It was a matter of whether that streak of courage and spirit she had seen in the young man could be reinforced, strengthened in the Orcish way.

Weeks, months have passed since the fishing village of Brisby was sacked by the Orcess tribe. The claimed human men of the village already were accepting their new roles. And while not all readily admitted this, some had even begun to take great enjoyment in the act of mating with an Orcess. The constant unprotected and unrestrained sex, wildly rutting whenever the Orcess felt the desire, had become normal to the men, a daily part of life. And so it was in this way that every claimed man of the village, young and old, has now dutifully impregnated an Orcess, created new Orcish life inside of her with his human seed.

Except, that is, for one...

During all of this, and during the initial raid on Brisby, M'Zurga, the stalwart chieftain, had drank a very powerful tonic, a medicine strong enough to negate her Orcish fertility. While the other men in Edel's village were only taught their places, M'Zurga taught him his place and then watched to see how he would respond to these lessons.

The young man was becoming stronger, physically and mentally. But still retained a spark of his independence. M'Zurga was pleased. For one week, she stopped taking the strong medicine. And then, on the day of a successful hunt, where Edel savagely slew a wild boar as skillfully as any Orc could, she could no longer wait. Seeing him fight the massive hog, wrestling with it before ultimately slitting its throat with his knife, was a type of pornography to M'Zurga.

The two mated vigorously and for a very long time within the shaded forest. Edel had improved in this regard, too. As she rode him, M'Zurga could see a defiant look in his eyes. He bucked against her like a young stallion. Wishing to assert himself. To claim some foothold of if not dominance, of acknowledgment, as a male and as a mate. They switched positions several times, M'Zurga even briefly allowing him to be on top for a time, though he always would end beneath her again. Mating fiercely and for as long as possible was essential in making strong, healthy children. When Edel finally cried out as he shot his seed into her, M'Zurga was sure she would, as was typical of an Orcess, bear a healthy litter of three Orc pups. There was no cuddling after their act was over, but the two of them panted for breath together, sweated together, both aware of and content with what had transpired.

But, nearby, one of the magical creatures of the forest watched on, curious. These rare lizard beasts could sense the magical energies of the world and their presence usually correlated with some meaningful event taking place...
2017-03-05 23:02:39
>> #263127
M'Zurga the savage chieftain. By her edict, and with the assistance of strong medicines, her tribe is majority female, with only perhaps one in every eight to ten Orcish pups being born as males. These males are not mistreated, however, they are taught that they must only take an Orcish mate and never sire children with human females, as it is believed by M'Zurga and the strong Orcess warriors of her tribe that, despite the offspring created by an Orcish male breeding a human female still indeed being Orcish, a human mother is powerless but to pass her inherent weakness on to the child, a weakness of the spirit. This can prove to be quite hard for some of the male Orcs, as they, just like the Orcesses of the tribe, find the softer features that define humanity's appearance as attractive and have a primal desire to see that human's lineage, with their differently colored hair and smooth noses and skin, become Orcish.

M'Zurga does not allow these desires in an Orcish male to blossom, to be permissible, for she is all too aware of the bull-headed nature of the Orcish male, all too aware of what can transpire when Orcish males are permitted to indulge in this bred-in desire to pillage and crush and conquer without fore or afterthought. And so she maintains a firm grasp upon the nature of her tribe, a grip that is as equitable as is sensible to be, but is more so firm. Always firm.

But things were not always this way...

It is not acceptable to be overly emotional or contemplative of past sufferings in Orcish society, even on the Day of Remembrance when children and their parents reunite, as Orcish society does not function with human society's sentimentality and its concept of parental ownership of offspring. It is not fitting to weep or moan over things that cannot be undone.

And of course, for an Orc in high standing within the tribe, for example a chieftain, this kind of behavior would be seen as grounds for contesting their strength and character, their legitimacy.

And so there are very few who have heard the story of M'Zurga's youth.

Edelbert, the young human male the chieftain has claimed as her mate after witnessing his courage in attempting to defend his village against overwhelming odds, has grown in clout within the tribe since those first days when the fishing village of Brisby was conquered. While still, like most humans, even humans physically stronger than him, he is considered by most Orcesses to be "cute... but weak," some are also beginning to begrudgingly admit that he has a certain zeal about him, a certain spirit.

M'Zurga had taken to calling him W'ru'ruk'aa when she wished to, the word meaning "The White One," due to his blonde hair, but with the "aa" ending the Orcish word indicated a quality of softness, even femininity, making the translation more accurate as something like "The Little White One." Sometimes when feeling particularly randy she would call him this while mounting him, coaxing him into crying out as he neared orgasm, with the use of her strong hands on his body and throat, the sensation of her Orcish pussy on his erect human cock and with the way that she smelled and tasted and rode him far more erotically than any human female could, that he was indeed "her little W'ru'ruk'aa." The redundancy in his stating "little" in the human tongue and then using the Orcish phrase that already conveyed that idea was, to M'Zurga in those moments of particularly randy and dominant sex, even more erotic; in time his errors would be corrected and he would speak
fluent Orcish, but for now, she relished in her human mate's difficulties in speaking her language.

But these moments of sex aside, even more importantly, when it came to negotiations with other tribes over goods or borders, Edelbert's quietly confident, analytical demeanor complimented M'Zurga's more bold and aggressive personality well and M'Zurga herself recognized the fact. She was beginning to believe that the time would come where Edel would have to prove his worth to the tribe in such a manner that they will have no choice but to accept him as not only her mate, but as her advisor. A rarity, for a claimed human male to achieve a position of such importance within the tribe. He naturally had qualities of a leader, qualities he never would have been able to employ as a fisherman's apprentice. But M'Zurga did not yet believe that Edel would be able to defeat an Orcish challenger in hand to hand combat, as is what would happen if his potential position as her advisor was contested...

Regardless, M'Zurga felt she had chosen her mate well.

And so perhaps it is due to all of this that, on the evening of the Day of Remembrance, a day she spent alone, aside from Edel -- so rare on this day, for an Orcess not to be surrounded with all of the many now-grown pups she birthed for the tribe -- she discovered herself talking to Edel and sharing with him, with terse description and a measured tone of voice, what the days were like for her long ago, when she was much younger and not as strong as she has become...


M'Zurga had been born into a tribe run by a chieftain named Nugh'nuk, the son of the tribe's prior chieftain, Ag'nuk. While Ag'nuk was a stern, but well rounded ruler, Nugh'nuk was driven by madness, both exceedingly cruel to those who opposed him and to those within his own tribe. At least the warriors of the tribes who came into conflict with Nugh'nuk's suffering ended with their deaths, the suffering of the Orcs within Nugh'nuk's tribe and the captive Orcs it took in from these tribes it conquered continued with every day they drew breath. Food rationed to the point of starvation for those Nugh'nuk did not feel contributed properly to his tribe, labor to the point of utter exhaustion, no chances for glory or accomplishment for any but Nugh'nuk, who claimed all things.

Including the females of the tribe...

All and any of them that he wished...

Obsessed with propagating his own image, Nugh'nuk would claim dominion over the females of the tribe, other Orc's mates, their sisters, their daughters and rape and impregnate them. Any Orc who attempted to fight back would be restrained by Nugh'nuk's guard, Orcs so fearful of their tyrannical leader that despite knowing they lacked honor, they still obeyed his foul commands.

For many, this was the final straw. And yet still, out of fear, they did not act as one. The long torment had left deep scars.

The solemnity of an Orc and Orcess entering into matehood, while different in some cultural regards -- the children they create, for example, are moreso considered the property of the tribe than the property of their parents unlike in human society -- was not entirely dissimilar from the human concept of marriage, particularly for two battle-tested individuals whose regard for one another had grown over years of both shared conflict and shared trust.

Two such Orcs with a long and storied relationship that had grown from shared conflict and shared battlescars were Azog and Urdna. Warriors who had faithfully stood alongside the prior chieftain, who had devoted so much of their essence and lives to fighting for the good of the tribe, for its existence and its prosperity, that they had only one single child: young M'Zurga.

When Nugh'nuk came to their to tent to visit, though she had only just reached the beginnings of adulthood, Nugh'nuk had not paused.

"Though you served my father well, your lack of confidence in my leadership disappoints me. I no longer need you, Azog. The tribe no longer needs you. Your own clan no longer needs you. They're mine now, after all. I've ended your bloodline. It's all... MINE."

Laying on the ground, bruised and defiled, raped, M'Zurga can still remember her father, who had been beaten and tortured and ultimately restrained by four other Orcs and forced to kneel, then roaring like a beast, his rage empowering him with the strength to throw off the ones holding him down. Though bleeding from the many wounds that had been inflicting upon him, Azog had rushed at Nugh'nuk like a lion at its prey. The mad chieftain had attempted to back away, calling out for his guards to rise and defend him, but strong hands had grasped him from behind. It was M'Zurga's mother, Urdna, still nude, Nugh'nuk's contemptible seed staining her inner thigh. "Kill him!" she had shouted to her mate.

And so Azog had attempted, pummeling the face of the mad chieftain with powerful bare-fisted blows that would mar and mark his visage until his dying day...

...But what stopped Azog's assault was not Nugh'nuk's death, his skull or neck breaking, but the drawn Orcish steel of the mad chieftain's guards.

"Brothers!" Azog had panted, as he looked over his shoulder at the other Orcs, the mad chieftain still restrained by his mate. "Stand with me! This monster dies now! We are freed of his madness now!"

"Do you really... think it so easy?" the mad chieftain spoke in a cracked voice, now as desiccated as what passed as his code of honor. "Be sure of it then... And be sure to always look about you... I have planted deep roots for my rule, roots to support such a mighty thing... Be sure these roots do not find you, my guard. Your clans, which have prospered while others suffered... Be sure these roots do not suffocate you..."

The guards had paused.

Everything had paused then.

And M'Zurga remembers feeling something that she now knew to be hope. Then, as a young Orcess who had spent her blissfully ignorant years as a pup under the rule of Ag'nuk, a dream she could barely remember, and who had then spent her years as a young adult under the tyranny of Nugh'nuk, hope was not something she was strongly acquainted with. But she had felt it for that moment, laying there, and felt it strongly enough that when it had been pulled away, revealed to be only an illusion, she has never forgotten this feeling.

Her father had died that day in the tent of his clan, where both his mate and daughter had been raped before him, impaled on the swords of Orcs he had called brothers, but who had become too crippled with fear to remember their own Orcish pride.

M'zurga's mother, Urdna, was publicly executed for treason. She remained defiant to the end, even as the kindling at her feet was soaked in oil. Even once the torch's sputtering tip was touched to it.

And M'Zurga herself was taken as the property of Nugh'nuk.

Ag'nuk's former advisor was also publicly executed, for the crime of speaking out against Nugh'nuk's destructive policies, for warning him that through his tyrannical rule he was setting not only this tribe on a path towards ruination, but himself towards a path of eternal dishonor and torment when the day came that his fore bearers judged his deeds in the afterlife. For daring to speak so sharply of the chieftain, the Orc was not only executed, but first tortured and then his body defaced in such a way that in keeping with Orcish beliefs of the afterlife, it would be the advisor who would find himself suffering eternal dishonor and torment when he awoke up its shores.

Atrocities like this became more common than ever. Nugh'nuk spiraled further into his insanity.

M'Zurga was horrified that she was beginning to show signs of her pregnancy and she refused to bear this tyrant's dishonorable offspring. She decided one evening she would finish the job her parents started and kill him, even if it killed her...

"M'Zurga... I am so sorry that this happened to you," Edel spoke. The two were laying in M'Zurga's bed, made of soft skins and animal furs, large and strong enough to support their shared weight, though perhaps not strong enough to support their more enthusiastic moments of enthusiastic and animalistic mating. Not that M'Zurga was currently in the mood for such things. She was laying with her back towards her mate, speaking in a bit of a deadpan voice as she recollected this tale from long ago. Edel had one arm draped around the Orcess's larger body, gently cupping her breast. The comfort that such a simple gesture provided was very alien, very surprising for M'Zurga.

"Don't be," M'Zurga responded shortly. "Nugh'nuk was stronger than me, at that time. Now, I am strong. It will never happen again."

"I... believe that," Edel said. "But, you didn't deserve that, M'Zurga. No one in that story deserved such... unimaginable cruelty."

"There is no such thing as 'deserve.' The strong can take from the weak. If the strong are malicious, they will. It is how the world has always operated."

"And I... I can't disagree with that. I only meant to say, I'm sorry for what happened to you at that time. To that younger M'Zurga who had to see and... suffer such horrible things... I..."

M'Zurga said nothing for so long, that Edel began to regret his words. Until finally, M'Zurga placed her hand over Edel's own, his hand that was upon her breast, and, for only a moment, briefly and softly squeezed it. "I know what you meant, W'ru'ruk'aa."
2017-03-05 22:58:09
>> #263126
Milo had spent his entire life working in the small village of Brisby and its small borders. Like his father before him and his father before him, he operated the town's mill. He had added on to the mill a bit, expanded on it, refined and retooled some of its workings and instruments, but in their time both his father and grandfather had done the same with what advances in technology they had available. He and his family were well known and respected within the village, neither famous nor rich, but always with enough food to not be hungry and for the most part, content. Milo's single son, Reunan, spoke of wanting adventure, of possibly enlisting as a soldier or working for a cartographer, venturing into exotic lands. Milo simply smiled when his son said these things; he had once said these things as well. Life, like the family mill with chaff and wheat, has a way of grinding away that youthful exuberance.

Each day was very similar to the last, grinding the farmer's harvest of grain into flour and meal for bread and animal feed.

That is...

...until the Orcs came.

Milo had married as an older man, in his 30s with a wife ten years his junior. Always concerned with his mill and profession, as seems typical in much of Human society, having children wasn't on the forefront of Milo's mind, the economic realities of having children, don't you know, and as such even upon marrying the couple had conceived only one son, young Reunan.

Now that son was the mate of a particularly large and curvaceous Orcess -- a "mountain orc," whatever that was.

Milo had never before seen a female with such a tall and broad and a bit chubby frame, with arms larger than many a Human man's but with such wide hips and a quite round and heavy behind that bounced when she walked, but of course, prior to this, he had never actually seen an Orc in person, be they male or female. Ur'lugk was quite smitten with his son. Despite her large build, her disposition was a bit more easy-going and simple-minded than the other Orcesses; from what Milo had overheard the others saying when they spoke cattily of her in the Human tongue, of which she was not fluent, he believed this was also a part of her being a "mountain orc." She enjoyed petting and touching his son, particularly toying with his long, fine Human hair; of course, she also enjoyed doing things with Reunan even more intimate than this. The bed his mother had once tucked him into now served a new purpose as a rutting nest where the large Orcess and he mated like rabbits in heat. The bed's legs had been broken one evening by their enthusiastic sex, as it was intended for a human of average size to sleep in, not to withstand a horny and full-figured Mountain Orcess rolling her hips sensually as she rode healthy, hard young Human cock but the mattress and frame and pillows and blankets still made for a fine breeding ground.

One evening the fierce female Orc M'Zurga who was the leader of this tribe visited what was once Milo's mill, now the den of Orcs and their mates, and watched with a smirk as the pair of Reunan and Ur'lugk rolled around nude, so different in their sizes and appearances. M'Zurga seemed particularly pleased with Ur'lugk being so smitten with the young human. "More good Mountain Orc pups for the strength of the tribe."

As for Milo himself, the Orcess who claimed him was the younger sister of this voluptuous and powerful Mountain Orc, who both in appearance and demeanor was quite unlike her sister. Orog'Tiik -- or Tiik'aa as her sister calls her, much to Orog's displeasure at being referred to by such a "cute" nick name -- inherited few of the Mountain Orc genes that expressed themselves so fully in her sister. In fact, she was even a bit of a runt for an Orcess, small in height and build but quite scrappy and always quick to assert herself to make up for her shorter legs and less developed biceps.

"Ooo... It's so nice and big, 'Dad.'"

Tiik'aa cooed, teasing the man, with a husky voice thick with Orcish accent as she caressed the older Human husband and father's cock to full stiffness. She had forced him to use his mouth and tongue on her prior, delighting in the tickling sensation of the older gentleman's facial hair against her sex and nude flesh, so this was not difficult to do. Accustoming a Human male to the taste of a female Orc was important not only to instill in them an understanding of their new station, but also because -- lost to Human females, but not to Orcs -- Orcesses carry a faint but palpable aphrodesiac in their sexual secretions, even more powerfully in Mountain Orcesses, which ensures a male's desire albeit perhaps begrudingly at first to rut, to mate, to breed and reproduce. Though she was teasing the man with her words, her assertion was also the truth, the elder Human was both longer and girthier than his son. Tiik'aa felt a great arousal at seeing such a fine Human cock and knowing she would make it her own, make it "Orcish."

"I promise I won't tell 'Brother' that 'Dad's' thing is much bigger than his... And perhaps Ur'lugk would become jealous, too."

The slender but sinewy Orcess positions herself, guiding the older Human's cock to where it belongs now, not to be shared with his Human wife and certainly not to exert any sort of patriarchal dominance over her, but instead to mingle with Orcish sex and Orcish blood, to make its home within an Orcish womb and contribute its Human seed to fertile Orcish soil for the good of the tribe, "Ork'ga th'rok kaa."

"Watch 'Dad'... Watch it go in..."

Milo could only gasp and moan, his eyes squinting shut due to the sensations of sexual pleasure, of being overwhelmed both by this female Orc's strength and words and taste and smell. Both due to this and in spite of it, he could not deny his own arousal. His cock quivered and yearned for the firm, soft and wet embrace of a female's body welcoming it inside.

Tiik'aa watched with a primal lust herself as her body took the Human's malehood inside; the pinkish head of his member that with his Human wife created his son Reunan, who was now her sister's mate, was first kissed by and then neatly swallowed up by her Orcish sex. It slide inside pleasurably and easily, naturally. Just as naturally as the pups Milo fathers with Orog'Tiik -- becoming a father again and of so many, and of Orcish pups at that, with a head full of gray hair certainly could not be how the old miller thought he would be spending his elderly years -- will resemble their mother greatly and not himself or their "brother" Reunan at all.
2017-03-05 22:57:03
>> #263125
The savage chieftain M'Zurga and her tribe. Surely, she believes, if further great hardships were to befall the Orcish race, they will be due to the poor leadership and the hardheaded nature of Orcish males. To this end, she and her tribe drink strong medicine to ensure that the majority of children born will be female. And they assault vulnerable human villages on the outskirts of the human kingdom, not only for the supplies they hold, but most importantly, for the human males who live within them, who they repurpose and convert to Orcish mates just as they repurpose and convert these human villages into Orcish strongholds.

It is well known, after all, even within the human kingdom, that the offspring of a human and an Orc, despite the mixing of their blood, is still undeniably Orcish, as the Orcish blood is stronger. And the Orcesses of M'Zurga's tribe take a great satisfaction in watching as these human men become accustomed to the Orcish ways, willing fathers to Orcish children, whose former human wives or sisters, mothers and daughters can only watch in helpless despair as they embrace the superior, Orcish females. Watch... and help tend to the many, many Orcish children that will be born.

The young man, Edelbert, is the son of a man who claimed to be a soldier, but who their fellow villagers considered a crackpot and a liar. Regardless, the man had taught his son some rudimentary sword fighting techniques before one day telling him that he had received a message by carrier pigeon and had to leave the village at once. Living with his aunt and her family, who mistreated him, saddened and alone, Edel grew discontent over the years with his life trapped here in the village as a fisherman's apprentice. Edel would constantly think of adventures like the one his father claimed to have gone on and wished for something more in his life.

When the Orcesses invaded the village at dusk, many stronger human men either attempted to flee or simply surrendered in fear. Edel was one of the few who had attempted to defend it, despite the treatment he and his father had received. The Orcesses had been instructed by M'Zurga to only kill if necessary, particularly these human males who attempt to defend their own kind. Their courage and loyalty will make them particularly fine breeders once they have been claimed by Orcesses.

Due to the Orcess attackers holding back due to M'Zurga's instructions, Edel even managed to draw blood against one of the Orcesses assaulting his aunt's home. Not a mortal wound, but enough to send this Orcess into a rage. Just as her mounting anger causes her to rush the young human, a strong hand falls upon her shoulder. "Go to the side and lick your wound, fledgling," the chieftain speaks. "This human is mine.
2017-07-26 07:51:49
>> #277553
shes ret 2 go
2017-03-06 04:49:29
>> #263154
A resister user who used to be here, called herself shantae, who got scared away by some bad anon's so she got scared off, so most of us hope she comes back in the future, but, it's hope.
2017-03-06 04:43:00
>> #263151
What are you guys talking about?
2017-03-05 23:27:06
>> #263131
We all made our mistakes, we just hope to try and fix what we done, and give the time needed to help her, when she one day wants to come back.
2017-03-05 22:45:27
>> #263122
Shame she's never coming back... :(
2017-07-16 02:48:44
>> #276514
^Corrections to my previous statement, the super mutants do have some females within them though whether or not they are biologically female or simply identify as same is yet to be prove, additionally it has been stated within fallout lore that it isn't exclusively humans and simple animals which go through the same process to become super mutants and ,after a little digging, I found that apparently the super mutants no longer wear those facial braces, though that can be excused due to time made, however one last point to be made is that this mutant shown is wearing shoes, which would be broken due to the fact people don't make shoes for super mutants let alone business shoes.
In regards to the comment above this one please allow me to congratulate you on using a word which actively makes the user hypocritical as no one can say "Dork" out of quotations and have it sound even somewhat intellectual, or serious for that matter.
2017-03-05 21:42:51
>> #263116
super mutants loose fertility, therefore the part of the brain which controls that (the same part that supplies pleasure for reproductive acts)would be gone meaning that super mutants (an all male species which uses females for food) would most likely not even have genitalia, if you doubt my reasoning consult the fallout lore.
additionally super mutants don't wear jeans or shoes in fact very few can manage more than rags as clothing
2017-03-05 19:32:40
>> #263109
Harley Quinn is by far the sexiest female villain ever! Nobody's tits bounce like hers.
2017-03-05 19:24:04
>> #263108
no... one... fucks like gaston!
no... one... cucks like gaston!
no one's dick's as incredibly thick as gaston's
2017-03-05 18:38:00
>> #263107
This is how imagine myself doing that with Belle and Tiana god I love 2 ladies

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