2017-07-23 15:33:46
>> #277281
Can't wait to do that *¬* anyone got a hint, how i fit my hand in there? :)
2017-07-23 14:58:25
>> #277280
Blooms ass needs a spanking
2017-07-23 13:52:56
>> #277278
If Whitney Biskit actually was the one showing her breasts I'll love this picture
2017-07-23 13:49:46
>> #277277
Both of the biskit twins are sexy
2017-07-23 13:34:29
>> #277273
Name: Duba

Nickname: Dub

Meaning: Buttocks, Behind, Butt in African Swahili

Age: Same age as Kiara

Breed: African Lioness

Gender: Female

Parents: Unknown

Siblings: Unknown

Mate/Crush: Unkown

Cubs: Unkown

Personality: Determined, funny, crazy, silly, wild, fun, sweet, caring, loving, talkative, kind, responsible with anything, brave, strong, smart, sexy, friendly, very sociable, girly, and gave a bad attitude depending what day it is.

Loves: Playing, singing, meeting new friends, being helpful, trying her best at everything she does, acting tough, eating, roaring, sleeping, peeing, pooping, farting, sexing, raising up her tail, marking with her urine, sniffing the lions and lionesses butt, licking the lions and lionesses butt, being sniffed her butt, being licked her butt, being sexed, bumping with her butt, being bumped her butt, being stuck, being pregnant, flirting, peeing while sleeping, showing everyone with her butt, showing herself with her butt, telling everyone to talk to her butt, telling a story about her butt, playing pack games, meeting with Simba's pride, Kiara, Kovu, Simba, Nala, Timon, Pumbaa, Timon's Mother, Uncel Max, Rafiki, Zazu, Vitani, Pridelanders, Outsiders (also known as Outlanders), Meerkat Colony, Animals, Tiifu, Zuri, Kion, Bunga, Fuli, Beshte, Ono, Pua, Jasiri, Basi, hunting, flowers, being hugged, teasing the hunters with her butt, teasing the humans with her butt, teasing the mean lions with her butt, farting peeing and pooping at the hunters, farting peeing and pooping at humans, farting peeing and pooping at the mean lions, having someone to look after her, her Pride, spending time with her family, having fun, hanging around with friends, babysitting cubs for her friends, mud, being dirty, not being clean, dirty butt, bugs, being clean, talking, talking to her butt, taking walks, nature, stretching, seeing the lions having sex, seeing the lionesses giving birth, dancing, dancing with her butt, butt nuzzle, butt scratching, butt massage, watching stars at night.

Hates: Snakes, Ushari, large areas of rushing water, hunters, humans, mean lions, mean hyenas, mean crocodiles, mean vulture, having to kill anything except prey, being annoyed, having to fight, being teased, spoilsports, not having fun, serious lions, boring meetings, annoying elders, when anyone shouts at her, being told off, Scar, Zira, Makuu, Janja, Cheezi, Chungu, Mzingo, not having fun, seeing someone else hurt, crying, sad, angry, fighting, being alone, being bored, seeing her friends in trouble.

Voice Actress: Tara Strong

Theme Song: She's A Lady by Tom Jones

Original screenshots © Disney

The Lion King © Disney

Made by Me
2017-07-24 11:51:59
>> #277390
^ thats my comment (anon #277389's) for Titas in case anybody's wondering.
2017-07-24 11:50:29
>> #277389
I always knew youre gay. You said the same thing on another post. You know which one I'm talking about XD
2017-07-24 08:42:44
>> #277376
Aw, it's so Tiny~♡
2017-07-23 23:29:31
>> #277332
2017-07-23 18:19:14
>> #277297
^ you need to work on your grammer. It's fine if you dont know but theres no fucking reason to put "uncle_grandpa" and some random tags that doesnt fit with the post. Why are you still here anyway? The admins wouldve banned you already for spamming random shit all over the site.
Date Feb 11, 2016User GifTannenRating SafeScore 8(vote up)
2017-07-23 12:14:44
>> #277263
I know what am having for dinner tonight.
2017-07-23 13:17:39
>> #277271
Idk which one is more annoying: human Trixie or pony Trixie XD
2017-07-23 12:12:58
>> #277262
Trixie was sooo annoying. Lol and I'm glad starlight found a another friend who don't talk that much about her self. That's maud
2017-07-23 09:13:43
>> #277255
Oh God yes... 3 big fat juicy beautiful butts I'd love to eat out and fuck.
2017-07-24 22:51:03
>> #277448
Dumbass loud house like Jamie foxx!
2017-07-23 13:23:08
>> #277272
Retrace of Dboy
2017-07-23 06:32:26
>> #277248
Slow it down a bit everything's a bit shaky
2017-07-23 06:31:23
>> #277247
Oh, that I do. ;D
2017-07-23 06:23:15
>> #277245
Yeah I know. I just love to be involved with everyone and everything. You know that
2017-07-23 06:14:54
>> #277244
You get all the guys, Ames, give Cream and Marine a chance every so often. XD
2017-07-23 06:13:09
>> #277243
And again I wasn't invited ~sigh~
2017-07-23 06:01:12
>> #277242
Tails, you lucky little bastard.

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