2018-11-19 08:56:29
>> #319529
Just making sure it's all lubed up for you.
Steve, Dad, this will be my first double penetration!!
2017-04-08 21:14:47
>> #266299
She thinks she's all that pouring that Suntan oil all over her ass & clit while she peeks back at you . Well she's right !
2017-04-08 21:06:34
>> #266296
Fuck Yeah ! Thats what I'm talking about ! Haley is hot & I am Hard !
Date Oct 15, 2017User liveactionRating ExplicitScore 17(vote up)
2018-11-19 08:26:34
>> #319519
Oh my god Klaus, that was the weirdest thing I've done and felt!!!
2017-10-16 02:44:00
>> #284715
Klaus swimming inside Francine's pussy. Daaaaammmmnnnn!!
Date Mar 15, 2018User rogermarisRating ExplicitScore 37(vote up)
2018-11-19 08:01:48
>> #319513
At Hayley's recommendation Francine took up life class modeling!
Having a roomful of strangers gazing on her naked body,
it felt quite invigorating!
She could have a lot of fun doing this!!!
Date Jun 20, 2018User Guido_La_SenoRating ExplicitScore 5(vote up)
2018-11-19 07:51:58
>> #319512
As part of her punishment for trying to run away, she had to stand there, in nothing but her open top.
While Jeff and the rest of the male cult members took turns pissing on her!
Well at least it was better then a gang bang!!!
2018-11-19 07:49:47
>> #319511
Can't I just breath heavily on your balls for a few minutes?
2015-07-23 16:44:20
>> #188428
This would be awesome if she was female.
2013-04-24 12:42:11
>> #85993
can someone make a edit vision of this were she were she a vag
Date Mar 26, 2018User StonehamRating ExplicitScore 27(vote up)
2018-11-19 07:31:12
>> #319509
Hello Steve, Hayley, Snot (hic)!
I've been celebrating St Paddys day!
Care for a drink!!
It didn't take much to get Francine drinking, when Stan was away!
And when she started drinking she always ended up naked!
A red faced Snot went home, while Hayley and Steve took off her shoes peeled the shamrock sticker off her bottom, and helped her to the sofa!
She lay down on it and started to snore, they didn't covering her as it was warm enough!
It was midday when she finally woke, she staggered into the kitchen, took some well needed headache tablets and some coffee!
She sat there the rest of the afternoon, naked and moaning!
Finally she staggered up to bed and slipped between the sheets!
When she woke the next day she was not surprised to see she was nude, she often slept like that, what did surprise her was she could not renember the day before, it was all a blank!
Still nude, she walked across to the bathroom.
Looking into the mirror she saw her red rimmed eyes and knew she'd been drinking again!!
Damn, if only Stan were home!!!
2018-05-27 13:23:05
>> #303119
Francine you can slide down my sheleighly anytime going up and down and up and down again.
Date Apr 3, 2018User rogermarisRating ExplicitScore 17(vote up)
2018-11-19 07:04:05
>> #319507
This is one of a series of photos Roger persuaded Francine to pose for.
In the next she reaches back to part her cheeks, as an unknown stud wearing just a gimp mask, prepares to take her up the ass!!
She got so bored when Stan was away, the only thing that would distract her was sex!!!
2018-11-19 06:53:20
>> #319505
What the hell is this mum!
Oh, that's one of the photos I had when I posed for Playboy!
You posed for Playboy!
Yes, I think I've got the rest of the set somewhere.
I was one of the first ones to pose full-frontal!
But as I'd shaved myself especially for it, they refused to publish them.
In those days all nudes had to have bushes!
Stupid rule, I didn't know about it!
Now days everything is on show, and a good thing too!!
But didn't you feel exploited!
Don't be silly, I had the time of my life, if I hadn't met your father I would of quite happily been a nude model!!
In fact I've seen you nude a few times!
Well that's no big deal!
I know dear, all am saying is you've got the figure for nude work!
You should consider it!!
Hmmm, well that's something I'll have to think hard about!
Not as hard a cocks when men see you full-frontal!!
Oh mum, you are awfull!!!
2018-04-06 01:20:13
>> #299273
This is my favorite Frannie bend down pic. Naked,Sexy,Seductive & Ready for Action !
Date Apr 28, 2018User the_dutchmanRating ExplicitScore 7(vote up)
2018-11-19 06:31:46
>> #319504
Well, here goes.
Hayley would do anything to win a bet!
2018-11-19 06:21:07
>> #319502
How Hayley got banned from the water park!
Date May 2, 2018User rogermarisRating ExplicitScore 16(vote up)
2018-11-19 06:15:15
>> #319501
Hello Hayley, why are you in my dream, and why are you naked?
Am always naked in my dreams, I like it that way!
But more to the point, why are you naked and in my dream?
This is your dream, strange I thought it was mine, and I've idea why am naked?
Actually ladies, said Steve stepping into the clearing, equally naked, sporting a bigger erection then he had in real life, this is my dream!!
And if you both would like to bend over, be prepared to have the fucking of a life time!!
Well if it's your dream, then what the fuck am I doing here!!
Steve turned around to see his naked father, also sporting a larger then life erection, Steve's cheeks turned red with embarrassment, but he still remained hard!!
Actually this is my dream, said Roger, appearing from behind a tree, I've always wanted to try a human sex dream!!!
Now Stan, you fuck Hayley, and Steve you fuck your mother!!
And before any one refuses remember, this is all a dream, and you've all fantasized about this!
Well I hate to admit it but is true, said Francine, who gazed at Steve's engorged penis and licked her lips!
Yes, well, I suppose the same is true of me, said Stan!
So reluctantly they started, but soon got caught up into the frenzy!!
Oral, vaginal, anal they did it all, swapping partners halfway and finishing doing sixty-nines!
Roger was delighted, it had been better then he thought!
When they all woke up in the morning they weren't sure it had really happened, so none of them said a word!
But Roger got some really funny looks!!!
2018-05-15 20:34:28
>> #302182
I'd rather have a knockdown fight with you winner takes all. I'm warning you if I win I'm tearing that ass of yours up.
2018-05-13 18:13:57
>> #302027
Hayley Smith: 'Mom, you want me to have Lesbian Sex with you while we're naked in the Jungle?'

Francine Smith: (Giggles) 'This will turn us on, Hayley'

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