Date Sep 30, 2020User Mr.SwatRating ExplicitScore 4(vote up)
2020-10-05 03:00:44
>> #370357
Never a truer word written!
2020-10-01 05:58:07
>> #370206
People with very tiny dicks should not draw porn comics.
2020-09-30 18:11:10
>> #370158
What a load of....
2020-10-05 01:03:01
>> #370356
Dont worry dude. Lesbians arent even real lol, their just bisexuals in denial. And we all know that the "tribadism is better than cock" thing is of course utter bullshit. Nothing can please a women more than a dick in her lol.
2020-10-02 10:40:22
>> #370258
Of course it is a bit weird anonymous370210 but as long as you can get a boner from a real woman everything is ok. I also love to jerk off on the pictures and comics from Mobius Unleashed and many more too.
2020-10-02 05:38:50
>> #370247
I like this comic but i do hate it when they make one's where they end up making the girls lesbians. Bi would be ok but if they convert to lesbians. Then that would be breaking their boyfriends hearts. That would be betrayal and cheating
2020-10-01 06:33:58
>> #370210
Is it weird that I would also prefer Amy Rose instead of a real women?
2020-10-01 06:10:25
>> #370208
When I had the choice to fuck one of these four girls I would fuck Amy Rose.
2020-10-04 21:37:03
>> #370352
I envy you Anon 1
2017-02-25 13:58:00
>> #262333
We lived on a horse ranch and I measured one of the stallions erect penis, it was 17-inches long an 9-inches around, the head of the penis would "Flare" out to the size of a softball, plus me and my sisters used to jack off the stallions when their dicks were hanging down.
2020-10-04 17:47:38
>> #370349
May: Who wants to touch my cameltoe?
2020-10-04 16:26:01
>> #370348
It's been eight years and no comments, I'm sad cuz this scene is hot as fuck
2020-10-04 16:21:02
>> #370347
pikachu;[annoying of thoses 2][thinking voice; sick so sick gross i don't they do that
2020-10-04 15:53:46
>> #370346
ian.r.jones >> #361002 Thanks buddy, for your concern and warning, I don't give a fuck about him, I hope he dies from the Coronavirus. He thinks that my vocabulary is limited? Who keeps on repeating the same old insult of Donkey? Hmm... You (not you ian.r.jones, just couldnt be fucked typing again, you're in my good books ian.r.jones) can't evn string a single proper sentence together without adding your donkey insults. Knuckle dragger.I think you secretly love to have sex with Donkey's! Your capacity to insult is pathetic! Just like you! Creep! I'm glad I ticked you off! I hope you suffer in your every day life! Shalom! NOT! You don't know what that means you dzvnieks.
2020-04-03 10:52:22
>> #361396
This fellers stuff, obsessed as he is with turning feminine hetero beauties like Francine and Lois into dykes and putting dicks on women. Repulsive. But for chrissakes man - "hope he dies from coronavirus" ? Theres plenty who I hope do but not because he makes women I fancy into dykes. Theres plenty of feminists and gay fanatics and the most loathsome of all - transfanatics - REALLY trying to do thatSo get things into perspective for fucks sake
2020-04-01 01:35:31
>> #361220
Oh hi S.Jim, long time. I really don't care one way or another, when it comes to folk posting thier own shit. Fans and critics are all the same to me. Have you seen my last years shit? Of course not, it's posted on an adult site. That's where I have 283 fans. (adult fans). R.S.V.P.
2020-04-01 01:01:09
>> #361194
Congratulation ian.r.jones. Seems you have actually found a new friend.
2020-03-31 07:27:01
>> #361096
ian.r.jones >> #361002 Thanks buddy, for your concern and warning, I don't give a fuck about him, I hope he dies from the Coronavirus. He thinks that my vocabulary is limited? Who keeps on repeating the same old insult of Donkey? Hmm... You (not you ian.r.jones, just couldnt be fucked typing again, you're in my good books ian.r.jones) can't evn string a single proper sentence together without adding your donkey insults. Knuckle dragger.I think you secretly love to have sex with Donkey's! Your capacity to insult is pathetic! Just like you! Creep! I'm glad I ticked you off! I hope you suffer in your every day life! Shalom! NOT! You don't know what that means you dzvnieks.
2020-10-04 15:43:53
>> #370344
Criticism? Dull swearwords are criticism?
2020-10-01 00:41:46
>> #370184
yeah,he likes to call his critics seems he cannot take any small bit of criticism.
2020-05-31 10:55:31
>> #364856
10 thumb's up for Anonymous >> #364708 comment. I tilt my hat to you, good sir.
2020-05-31 07:39:36
>> #364849
The usual scrappy writing donkey stuff. Useless, dumb and very boring.
2020-05-29 05:54:01
>> #364708
The usual scrappy moncone stuff. Useless, dumb and very boring.
2020-10-04 15:01:50
>> #370343
As you want. Donkeys.Jerk,
2020-04-26 14:11:39
>> #362838
Go on monocone... Call us donkeys. Jerk,
2020-04-26 14:08:43
>> #362837
Anonymous >> #362830 good point. She's a blonde. See his hopeless inability to get things right. Hes such a tool.
2020-04-26 09:49:30
>> #362830
Why is Francine's hair orange?
2020-04-26 08:37:16
>> #362827
The poor pathetic little creep.

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