You can suggest a new alias, but they must be approved by an administrator before they are activated.
An example of how to use this: (Neon_Genesis_Evangelion is the tag and Evangelion is the alias. Evangelion -> Neon_Genesis_Evangelion)

Alias To Reason
gray_eyes (27) grey_eyes (2530) alternate spelling. (gray, UK English; grey, US/World English)
big_boobies (0) big_breasts (184767)
big_tits (29) big_breasts (184767)
x-mangaka (16) x-mangaka (16) artist name
ball_grab (31) testicle_grab (274)
panty_and_stocking_with_garterbelt (0) panty_&_stocking_with_garterbelt (600) official name
straight_shota (33) straight_shotacon (0)
hinata_hyuga (96) hinata_hyuuga (6870) same person different spelling
titjob (87) paizuri (16391)
big_cock (108) big_penis (21326)
big_dick (27) big_penis (21326)
juggs (0) big_breasts (184767)
celebrity (32) celeb (746)
areolas (0) areola (38085)
aftersex (1934) after_sex (7551) it's after sex
thigh_boots (1040) thigh_high_boots (1698)
cum_everywhere (442) bukkake (4802)
areolae (15406) areola (38085)
print_panties (207) printed_panties (600)
analingus (56) anilingus (1211)
thighhigh (23) stockings (37935)
pussy_licking (7) pussylicking (6764)
cock_sucking (1) fellatio (34775)
tongue_kissing (11) french_kiss (1802)
tongue_kiss (87) french_kiss (1802)
underboob (3288) under_boob (1711)
genderswap (4926) genderswap (4926)
hairy_pussy (539) pussy_hair (1183)
poland_(artist) (258) poland_(artist) (258) poland is a country and poland_(artist) is the artist
ear_ring (60) earring (1855)
cumdrip (2314) cum_drip (5570)
one_eye_open (31) one_eye_closed (10776)
selfshot (6) selfpic (1263) samething
asuka_langley_sohryu (2) asuka_langley_souryuu (1065)
licking_dick (0) fellatio (34775)
big_titties (9) big_breasts (184767)
pierced_navel (1) navel_piercing (971)
rosario+vampire (2) rosario_to_vampire (305)
pierced_nipple (0) nipple_piercing (4848)
pierced_nipples (144) nipple_piercing (4848)
dog_fight (0) dog_fights (1)
dogfights (0) dog_fights (1)
dogfight (0) dog_fights (1)
bitches_in_heat (0) horny (6591) Same thing
nice_tits (162) nice_breasts (20)
anarose (0) anaroseaperio (0)
titties (0) breasts (331347)
ball_fondling (58) testicle_fondling (348)
eyes_closed (189) closed_eyes (22907)
the_legend_of_korra (1609) the_last_airbender:_the_legend_of_korra (0) full title -> or