02/24/15 06:29AM
That md5 thing sounds good
02/27/15 09:33PM
MD5 searching is a thing. If an image has ever been uploaded to the site it's MD5 is stored and you can't upload an image with the same MD5.
02/28/15 08:41PM
alaron said:
MD5 searching is a thing. If an image has ever been uploaded to the site it's MD5 is stored and you can't upload an image with the same MD5.

That obviously doesn't work too well considering the site is constantly being flooded with reposts upon reposts,and why are banned users still able to post images? You guys need to work on that.
03/01/15 02:30AM
HungRussian said:
So I understand if someone is constantly reposting things that are recent, but come on. Tere are 12,095 pages of porn. So stop complaining when there is something posted that was posted like a fucking year ago.. Are these people supposed to search through twelve thousand pages just to make sure this pic hasn't been posted?

gladly someone found the answer already. just saying.
03/04/15 09:51AM
It's better then not having it. If you find a repost, report it with the base image and the repost will be removed. Simple as that.
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