01/01/17 09:08PM
good "pumps as hard and fast as i can" ahhhh ahhhh ahhhh don't hold back girls
01/01/17 09:32PM
sonicthehedgehog said:
good "pumps as hard and fast as i can" ahhhh ahhhh ahhhh don't hold back girls

Lien-da: ahh ahhh ahhhhhhh! "Screams her climax as Fiona and nic join her as they shoot out there juices from there pussies that cover your hands and cock"

Ahhh do it girls, ahhh cum. "Spanks rouge ass while I lick deep into clover and Cassie's pussies faster to make them cum"

Rouge: ah ahhh ahhh god yes! "Cums hard as Cassie and clover hug eachother close as they screamed there climax as I get covered by there juices by my cock and face"
01/01/17 09:34PM
"pulls out of the girls" could i get cleaned up girls?
01/01/17 09:38PM
sonicthehedgehog said:
"pulls out of the girls" could i get cleaned up girls?

Fiona: ah ahh, I don't ahh see why not.

Lien-da: ah just try not to cum till your all cleaned up.

Nic: ya, we still want more of that cock.

"They moan as they all get on there knees and start licking you clean"

Rouge: "pulls herself off my cock as she moans" ahh ahh I hate it when they get control.

Clover: ahh Cassie, you good? "Picks Cassie up as she stands up"

Cassie: ya, I am, ahh that was amazing, please can we do more.

Ahh, well, I'm good with more, if you three don't mind keeping me ready for you.

"They smiles as rouge made sure I remember the agreement as her and Cassie with clover start licking my cock clean"
01/01/17 09:40PM
no problem lien-da "moans as i feel them licking me"
01/01/17 09:53PM
sonicthehedgehog said:
no problem lien-da "moans as i feel them licking me"

Lien-da: ahh hope so, ahh this is great, oh and tasty. "Licks more of your cock as Fiona and nic lick your hands clean"

Rouge: mmm don't get to used to this, as soon as your all cleaned up, you got to fuck us for more hours, understand. "Cassie licks my cheeks as clover licks my balls while rouge is sucking me clean"

Ah ahhh I won't my dear, ahhh I'll remember so when and till your all satisfied. "Kisses Cassie's lips as I can't wait for them to be done"
01/01/17 09:55PM
i'll pound you three till your satisfied "moans again"
01/02/17 09:52AM
sonicthehedgehog said:
i'll pound you three till your satisfied "moans again"

Lien-da: "her, nic and Fiona stopped till your all cleaned up as they smile at you" that's the spirit, now then, ready to pound our tight asses?

Rouge: hope your ready big boy, it's time to pleasure our asses next. "Clover gets up as Cassie moans in our kiss as I look at rouge"

Ahh I'm more then ready you three, so then, let's go at it.
01/02/17 09:53AM
you bet "strokes my cock" who's first?
01/02/17 09:56AM
sonicthehedgehog said:
you bet "strokes my cock" who's first?

Lien-da: same order, but when your done with them, we got a little extra for you.

Nic: ohh this is gonna be great.

Fiona: I think that should be for our grand finally don't you think?

Cassie: can I, have him pound my ass?

Clover: just let me lube you up my dear. "Started licking Cassie's ass hole as she moans in pleasure as rouge help my cock get lined to her ass"

Ohh this is gonna hurt tomorrow, but wroth it.
01/02/17 09:57AM
mmm i can't wait "walks to nic" ready?
01/02/17 09:59AM
sonicthehedgehog said:
mmm i can't wait "walks to nic" ready?

Nic: ohh more then ever!

Fiona: god I'm actually in love with this.

Lien-da: you and me both Fiona.

Rouge: hmmmm I think she's ready clover.

Clover: ahh alright, now then Cassie, enjoy. "Pushes her butt down slowly as she gasp a little in pleasure as she feels my cock in her ass"

Cassie: ahhh! Ahhh wow, ahh this is so new ahhh.

Ahhhhh god, god dang your ass hole is amazingly tight Cassie.
01/02/17 10:01AM
"[ushes my cock balls deep inside her tight ass" ahhhhhhhh soooo fucking tight
01/02/17 10:03AM
sonicthehedgehog said:
"[ushes my cock balls deep inside her tight ass" ahhhhhhhh soooo fucking tight

Nic: ahhhhhhh yes! Ahhhhhh!

Fiona: ohh you have no idea.

Lien-da: here's something to help. "Her and Fiona started licking nic's ass hole with your cock inside as it makes her moan more in pleasure"

Cassie: ahh ahhh please, ahhh be gentle ahhhh.

Ahhh I'll try ahhh but ahhh I can barely move inside you. "Moans as I try to move my cock inside her"

Rouge and clover: allow us stud. "They started licking Cassie's ass hole as she gasp in pleasure as she felt better pleasure then before"
01/02/17 10:04AM
ahhhhhh that does feel good "fuck her harder and faster"
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