10/14/12 10:32PM
trolls are out of control
I don't care if someone says I'm bitching or whining,the trolls on this site are pissing me and everyone the fuck off. As soon as alaron gets my message about all the trolls that have been running around here,you really should ban them,because they're making this site terrible when some people just want to upload and view pics without them being spammed and flamed by trolls.
10/14/12 10:47PM
Why not disallow comments from non-registered users? That might help a bit...
10/14/12 10:50PM
TramLover said:
Why not disallow comments from non-registered users? That might help a bit...

alaron has said many times he won't do that,but I agree it would cut down on the trolls and way easier to ban people since they can't hide behind anonymous,which is so damn annoying.
10/14/12 10:57PM
Yeah I have some experience in site/forum administrating and I can promise you that trolling goes WAY down if/when you disallow anon posting. Seriously, it's free to register and it takes like 2 minutes. If someone's not willing to do that, then whatever they have to say probably isn't that important.
10/14/12 10:59PM
TramLover said:
Yeah I have some experience in site/forum administrating and I can promise you that trolling goes WAY down if/when you disallow anon posting. Seriously, it's free to register and it takes like 2 minutes. If someone's not willing to do that, then whatever they have to say probably isn't that important.

I agree 100%,and it takes like 2 seconds lol and you don't even have to give your email.
10/14/12 11:48PM
..."Can't have that would take "Traffic" away from the Booru"
What a large amount of Excuse driven B.S, what is better random Trolls screwing with you're forum or a nice mature (Amusing being as one of the moderators like to act like a five year old) community?
10/15/12 02:44AM
TramLover said:
Why not disallow comments from non-registered users? That might help a bit...

I agree 100%
Xbooru is an open playground for every troll on the web, if you think so then there wouldn't be any problems with it.
If administrators wanna cut down on the chaos then stop providing ways for non-members to cause it.
If the admin can't or won't disable comments from non-members altogether then why not give an option to the members that are uploading images, a setting to allow or disable comments for each image they post.
Or at least a Comment Screening option, CAPTCHA & IP Address Logging notification.
The content of Xbooru should keep people here & add new members, but instead it's inviting Trolls to do as they please.
10/15/12 02:53AM
Don't Feed The Trolls.
A system with no e-mail requirement & open to everyone brings in everyone, more bad then good.
You wanna make sure people aren't joining just to troll, add a system where new members aren't allowed certain privileges for 7days, like forum access.

Oh & another thing.
Members spot Trolls from their posts or threads created right, so STOP REPLYING TO THEM!
If you can spot a Troll miles away, STOP FEEDING THEM YOUR ATTENTION!
Don't say OH your it's just a troll & continue feeding they're threads for three or four pages, WTH!
You think it's a troll then why not Ignore the thread, ignore the post & be done with it.
10/15/12 03:03AM
well someone is following the rule better than me. i just break the rule sometime about hating other user
10/15/12 03:07AM
VampireWicked said:
If you can spot a Troll miles away, STOP FEEDING THEM YOUR ATTENTION!

Does that mean we should stop paying attention to Unknownmoney23?
10/15/12 03:42AM
davehytmen said:
VampireWicked said:
If you can spot a Troll miles away, STOP FEEDING THEM YOUR ATTENTION!

Does that mean we should stop paying attention to Unknownmoney23?

lol If you know U23 is only posting something to be a Troll then yes.
10/15/12 03:45AM
are u kidding me! i'm not a troll really! and u got to be believe me? i'm not a troll
10/15/12 05:30AM
unknowmoney23 said:
are u kidding me! i'm not a troll really! and u got to be believe me? i'm not a troll

I'm just saying you've been seen coming from underneath bridges. LOL
10/15/12 06:33AM
VampireWicked said:
unknowmoney23 said:
are u kidding me! i'm not a troll really! and u got to be believe me? i'm not a troll

I'm just saying you've been seen coming from underneath bridges. LOL

Under the bridge, well dude you got the wrong guy. I don't know what you trying to do. you can't scared me or anyone else. I'm not a troll.
10/15/12 01:50PM
unknowmoney23 said:
VampireWicked said:
unknowmoney23 said:
are u kidding me! i'm not a troll really! and u got to be believe me? i'm not a troll

I'm just saying you've been seen coming from underneath bridges. LOL

Under the bridge, well dude you got the wrong guy. I don't know what you trying to do. you can't scared me or anyone else. I'm not a troll.

I'm joking lol, see the LOLs ?
If thought you were a Troll for real then i wouldn't give you any feedback. And there'd be more members ganging up on you.
Have we brought out the torches & pitch forks against you ?
NO! So chill, it's all in fun (:
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