02/02/12 04:58AM
I'm the_anonymous2s evil clone and I came to tell you that the_anonymous2 got killed in a car accident. Can we have a moment of silent for this tragic incident
02/02/12 05:00AM
We can honestly tell you we probably don't give a damn about either of you trolls
the_anon2 said:
I'm the_anonymous2s evil clone and I came to tell you that the_anonymous2 got killed in a car accident. Can we have a moment of silent for this tragic incident

That would also go for Racistpig & FuturePedo as well. F-U-C-K O-F-F.
02/02/12 05:01AM
H-O-W C-O-U-L-D Y-O-U B-E S-O C-R-U-E-L :(
02/02/12 05:04AM
Since Anonymous2 was nothing more then a Troll, We're actually quite happy.
Only if something similar could possible make Racistpig & FuturePedo Disappear then this site would be taking a step in the correct direction. In reality, it's not cruel... It's Justified.
02/02/12 05:04AM
these picture is nothing but trouble and we need two username off this site
02/02/12 05:06AM
02/03/12 12:01AM
gay straight or bi?
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