03/20/14 01:55AM
Who would be a worse president?
It's early 2014, which means it's time for people to talk about the 2016 race! I'm talking a more fictitious preliminary than the real one, but real characters none the less.

Here are your choices, pick one per line on who you think would be a WORSE president. Suggest names I haven't thought of!

Justin Bieber VS Ted Cruz
Larry the Cable Guy VS Jeremy Clarkson
Lindsay Lohan VS Donald Trump
03/20/14 02:09AM
This is interesting here, I would said larry the cable guy will be the worse president. And justin bieber. Lol
03/20/14 04:36PM
Gandalf for Prez.
03/21/14 04:28PM
HammersandTongs said:
Gandalf for Prez.
03/22/14 03:59PM
The President does not hold any real power, so it does not matter who is president, but I would like a comedian of some kind, so at least we can have a laugh at this pseudo democracy bullshit.

03/23/14 12:44AM
You guys are doing it wrong... ;_;
03/24/14 02:26AM
Clinton or Biden? I'd vote for Mondale
03/24/14 02:35AM

ohh were talking about presidents >.<
03/24/14 04:40AM
Edited OP to better highlight what the game is. I guess I'll answer first-

03/26/14 11:07AM
Miley cyrus...she would be a dictator!D8>

Just picture it:our tongues would be sticking out,our hair cuts will be just like hers,Finger foam profits will be off the roof!they'd probably sell them in sex shops.

and the chilluns!ohh lawdy dem chilluns!
03/28/14 02:32AM
I would be the worst presisent the intire country would be told not to trust a word of the government and to arm them selves to the teath with both fire arms and knives and swords lol
03/28/14 02:46AM
I wonder wat it would be like if a pothead was president ;p
03/28/14 02:52AM
PrincessBLARITY said:
I wonder wat it would be like if a pothead was president ;p
i just told you ha ha ha
03/28/14 02:59AM
wayenethepain said:
PrincessBLARITY said:
I wonder wat it would be like if a pothead was president ;p
i just told you ha ha ha
Sure you did ;p
03/28/14 03:04AM
PrincessBLARITY said:
wayenethepain said:
PrincessBLARITY said:
I wonder wat it would be like if a pothead was president ;p
i just told you ha ha ha
Sure you did ;p
oh my your lovely thank you for calling me a liar while being sarcastic im not ofended at all
1 2>>>

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