12/07/13 12:39AM
A tag minimum
Anyone else think the should be a tag minimum for pictures posted to xbooru ? Like you should be able to post a picture to xbooru unless the picture your about to post has a minimum of 5 to 10 tags on it first. If you dont put at least 5 or say maybe 8 or 10 tags you cant post it. If there was a tag minimum then that would at least help put a stop to assholes like SimsPictures from spamming the site with hundreds of pictures with only 1 tag because the tag "female" is slowly becoming the new "tagme" tag where if you dont favorite it with in a few days you'll probably never be able to find the picture again.

And its not jus SimsPictures that does it but SimsPictures is the best example. Yea he posts so good pictures but still hes such a lazy cunt that all he does is tag his picture with 1 tag. All I am saying is we need to get a handle on this whole tag thing. If some asshole admin hadn't of banned me I would be going tagging pictures so people can find stuff but I cant.

A 8 or 10 tag minimum would help the site so spammers cant spam the site with 20 pictures with 1 tag.

12/07/13 09:48AM
I already gave you an answer and you're still going on about this. Here: xbooru.com/index.php?page=forum&s=view&id=562 Go read that again.

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