11/28/13 10:42PM
Happy Thanksgiving!
Hoping everyone is having a great Thanksgiving! Christmas is just around the corner :D. Everything else aside, we're all part of this little community, so take care and be in good spirits!
11/29/13 12:03AM
We don't have thanksgiving here but happy thanksgiving anyway, i had some turkey when i went to the US. Kinda taste like chicken in a way :D
11/29/13 01:39AM
Thank you and same to you! That's great :), you can't come to North America and not sample the native bird, haha. Definitely tastes like chicken
11/29/13 04:05AM
Happy thankgiving, it was better than last year. I hope
11/29/13 09:18AM
slayerduck said:
We don't have thanksgiving here but happy thanksgiving anyway, i had some turkey when i went to the US. Kinda taste like chicken in a way :D
You never had turkey up to that point? :O That's weird....

Happy thanksgiving to everyone who's celebrating it!
12/04/13 03:04AM
Lets go turkey huntin!yeeeeehaw!>xD*shoots a gun*
12/04/13 11:16AM
Wow, we reached 300,000 pics. I'm guessing only a quarter of those are reposts
12/04/13 06:21PM
Really? That nothing we haven't done anything yet.
12/05/13 06:26AM
slayerduck said:
We don't have thanksgiving here but happy thanksgiving anyway, i had some turkey when i went to the US. Kinda taste like chicken in a way :D

We eat turkey at Christmas, in Scotland, it's even more healthy than chicken :D

Was a good turkey day.
12/08/13 10:31PM
turkey and chicken R OK.But nothin beats getting served..*licks lips*mmmm dat HAAAAAAAAMMMM OOOOHHHHHH!*sexy saxophone music plays as I dream of eating ham*ooohhh sluuuuurrrrppp ....bX

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