11/12/13 09:53PM
sighs. i hate youtube and blogger!
hey does anyone have youtube? i do. i'm upset with youtube changes. i'm not really upset about comments and all. but i'm upset because it's longer length thing. in order to upload longer length is to do that mobile phone thingy. half of people don't know how to use stupid mobile phones! :(
i don't.
secondly blogger i have, you have to embedded the videos for better quality. that's asking people's permission to upload other people's video's to blogger. but uploading saved files the videos looks shitty.
geez i feel like i'm getting ripped off :(

forgive me alaron. i just had to get things off my chest :(
11/13/13 07:09PM
What is the purpose of this thread and how does it correlate to this website?

Yes, new YouTube comments suck, but I don't think you're right on half of the issues you put up. Look into it and try uploading/reading some guidelines.

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