12/12/22 06:18AM
broken comments system?
Hia, relatively new member of the booru here, is anyone else able to post comments? whenever i try to comment on a post, it says 'unable to post comment: captcha not solved', and when i try to post anonymously, it just doesn't work at all, it accepts the input but doesn't actually post a comment. There's space on the page for the captcha box, same as for forum posts, but there's actually a solvable hCaptcha box here. Does anybody else have this problem, or just me?
12/21/22 03:00PM
I'm not sure, it may be something to do with the website on the particular day you used it. Maybe the site was being tweaked and caused that.
12/21/22 11:38PM
same here
I never get any comments on my posts

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