12/03/16 03:31PM
Sonic/ice, mobius girl time.
Figure we could use this for the mobius girls we wanted to have, might make our own story sets in here, might as well make them good.
12/03/16 03:31PM
nice idea
12/03/16 03:32PM
sonicthehedgehog said:
nice idea

Thanks, figure might as well take advantage of the forum right.
12/03/16 03:32PM
so who first?
12/03/16 03:34PM
1# tribe of two
"We where in a race to the temple after we got a request from shade and Tikal, after a good race, sonic won and I park the bike while he give me a few tips on racing"

Shall we head in?
12/03/16 03:35PM
slowpokes first haha
12/03/16 03:35PM
sonicthehedgehog said:
slowpokes first haha

Haha, alright alright. "Walks into the temple as I look around it" wow.
12/03/16 03:36PM
i come here all the time "smiles" its beautiful
12/03/16 03:38PM
so where are those two?
12/03/16 03:38PM
sonicthehedgehog said:
i come here all the time "smiles" its beautiful

Shade: you have no idea sonic. "Jumps down as she landed in front of us in full armor" good to see you boys again.

Shade, hey it's good to see you here.
12/03/16 03:41PM
same ice but...."looks around"where is Tikal?
12/03/16 03:41PM
sonicthehedgehog said:
same ice but...."looks around"where is Tikal?

Shade: she's on the upper level of the temple, where currently working to make this place feel like home.

Oh, your both planing to move in here?
12/03/16 03:42PM
"grumbles lucky echidna's"
12/03/16 03:44PM
sonicthehedgehog said:
"grumbles lucky echidna's"

Shade: don't act so jealous sonic, we our still trying to set up, and we are hoping you sting boys mind helping out.

Of course, let's head in.

"She smiles and leads us to where Tikal is"
12/03/16 03:45PM
hey Tikal nice to see you "runs up to her"
1 2345>>>

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