Date Nov 7, 2009User Hellfire_SJRating ExplicitScore -1(vote up)
2016-09-18 23:52:03
>> #247049
Please show the front side .
2016-09-18 23:22:23
>> #247043
This is a good pic but, I do not like the censorship.
2016-09-18 22:54:22
>> #247039
The Artist is Taka Tony
2016-09-21 17:08:30
>> #247280
Ok... It's a still Draco Malfoy... can someone think of a female name for Draco?
2016-09-21 15:00:19
>> #247273
Looks like Dorothy from Gundam Wing to me.
2016-09-19 13:25:24
>> #247080
Rurichiyo I think
2016-09-19 05:31:14
>> #247063
Princess of who?
2016-09-19 00:20:48
>> #247050
This looks like the princess in one of the Bleach fillers and her guardian, Kenryu
2016-09-18 21:11:41
>> #247035
Dude looks like he has hands for feet.
2016-09-29 18:50:23
>> #248021
2016-09-18 20:41:46
>> #247032
There is. This is takarasagashi no natsuyasumi by Sandwhichworks.
2016-09-18 19:36:51
>> #247026
Oh please let there be more of this.
Date Aug 29, 2016User NDARating ExplicitScore 20(vote up)
2016-09-26 21:48:13
>> #247852
was my pleasure to make it lol, is just an edit though, the original isn't by me
2016-09-18 19:13:24
>> #247025
Fuck yes! Someone finally made fanart of this
Date Sep 14, 2012User ShadowKing11Rating QuestionableScore 17(vote up)
2016-09-18 16:49:02
>> #247018
I'm, in, love
2016-09-26 04:21:18
>> #247808
(yeah, sorry. I don't think i'll be able to continue this anymore. but don't worry, i've left you a parting gift. I saw you wanted to try something so I decided to try something of my own. Now it's not the best, I admit I was kind of in a hurry to finish this so not all the stuff I wanted to do is in here. Namely a nursing scene and some assplay, but i'm hope this is more than enough for you (you seemed a little adventurous so I tried to make it interesting ;). I brought us back to before the gun incident and made her a little more kind to you, by now she's already loosened up you bum and is ready to give you some hot loving. Hope you enjoy!)

Your loving servant presses the head of her throbbing cock against you tiny precious star, giving it a test push. With ease its crown enters your rear, eliciting a moan that vibrates up your throat.

“oh, you like that?” she chuckles, giving you ass a playful squeeze.

“well I hope you like this too.” she continues

reaching down with one hand she grabs her shaft and begins fondling your balls with the other.
In slow steady movements she begins swirling her dick inside you, causing our tight pucker to twitch.

She continues to do this until she feels you are ready and stops.

But goes no further.

For a while the maid doesn't move at all.

You turn to look at her ready to ask, jokingly, if you need to beg for it.

Peering over your shoulder into your lover's eyes sends a shiver down your spine and fills your gut with confusion and fear.

Where did they go?

Darkness bleeds forth from the maid's empty sockets, spilling down her cheeks.
A sickening wet crack breaks the silence, serving as a herald trumpet for the nightmare to come.

In horror you watch as her face splits, giving way to jagged pale bone and more teeth than one would have thought possible to fit in such a narrow, skeletal snout.
Bony Nibs blooms from her brow, erupting into a crown of cervine-like antlers that shower your prone back with blood.

Looking down you catch sight of her breasts. The great orbs of flesh heave and shudder as thick tufts of dark matted fur worm their way out of her now sickly yellow hide, forming a mane of coarse, withering hair that encircles her neck and shoulders.

Suddenly the former maid lurches forward, her tits smacking into your back with a wet smack as thick black liquid begins to dribble from long darkening nipples. You would have noticed a second smaller pair of teats spawn under her original pair, but another loud crack brings your attention lower.

With the woman(?) hunched over you can now see into a vanity mirror across the room.
In the dark reflection her legs buckle, driving her cock deep into your bowels, causing you to yelp in pain. Through teary eyes you watch her long tan legs warp and bending unnaturally. More fur sprouts from her wide hips, running down to where her feet have blown out in a bloody mess and split into dark hooves that clack on your hard wood floors as the beast draws itself up to its new height at lets loose a bloodcurdling wail that almost stops your hearts and leaves your ears ringing.

You've made a terrible mistake.

Black voids bore their way into your skull as the beast snorts, it's hideous cock thickening in your ass.
You gain a sense of dread and fullness as its infernal prick begins filling you with vile ichor. Gripping your scared hips with bloody claws the monster pushes you off of its shaft and a torrent of black sludge sprays out of your pucker and onto its cock, mixing with your former servant's blood and sweat.

“sorry lover.” the skull croaks.

“wouldn't want to rush things.” it continues, turning you over and upside down in its grasp.

Now face to face with the penile abomination you watch in horror as she brings you closer to its tip.
This close you can feel the heat that was once buried inside you coming off of this bizarre appendage.
Pursing your lips, you shake your head from side to side as the cock is brought to your mouth.

“don't be like that.” It chuckles, sounding like wet gravel being tread upon.

As the beast's head mashes across you lips some of the black fluid is forced between your shut jaw.

The taste is unbearable.

You gag (another one of countless mistakes you've made) and are slammed down on her horrid cock, your face mashing into the bristling, bloody mess that is her crotch. The taste was awful by itself, but the smell magnifies it tenfold. Your former servant, now living nightmare moans like churning muck as you gag and retch on her beastly meat. It flares in your throat as she edges closer to climax, cutting off what little oxygen was reaching your brain.

“it's so fucking good.” she growls, bucking her hips into your bruised face.

The painful burning in your lungs snap you out of your dulled state and you begin bashing your fists weakly against the monster's powerful thighs.

“hold on.” it growls.

“i'm so close.”

your arms grow tired and fall, dangling about your head as whatever it is continues to facefuck you.
the burning in your chest dulls as your vision blurs until only darkness and the wet smack of your lips stretched around the ghastly cock remains…

“FUCK!” the beast roars as her cock erupts in your lifeless throat.

You stomach begins to bloat as it's flooded with her unearthly jism.
There's too much of it and some begins to dribble out of your nose as it forces its way back up your throat. The skull peers down at your pale form with non-existent eyes and clicks a rotted tongue against yellowed teeth.

“lightweight...” it crows.

Ripping its dick from your abused lips, it slams a clawed fist into your stomach and like some nightmarish child's cartoon a jet of black tar surges forth from your open maw.

Your world kickstarts as the beast lifts you up and drops you on your stomach on the floor.

You're writhing trying to pull yourself up as wave after wave of black vomit and snot expel themselves from the bruised, black and bloody hole that was your mouth.

The beast looks down at you with what would have been baleful eyes, had she had any, her antlers sway side to side as she shakes her skeletal face and sighs.

“oh well… i'll be back for more sooner or later...” it informs you in your delirious state.

It strides to your window with a crooked gate and silently opens it. Giving you one last look, the monster bounds through the window to the darkness below.

As you manage to pull yourself up into a sitting position your dazed mind tries to comprehend the poorly and hastily written horror that has befallen you, one thing seems to pierce through the clouded conscious.

“i'll be back.” you murmur, accepting the beasts final words.
It is at this point you begin to cry, soil yourself and scream all at once in a rather horrible display.

You shoot up in bed covered in a generic cold sweat , some copy paste explaining that all you'd experienced was a terrifyingly sexual nightmare and everything is right in your world as of this moment. But as a familiar rainbow-haired maid enters your room to greet you good morning or a non-existent camera pans down outside your window to bloody hoof prints leading to the moor near your home it is revealed all is NOT in fact “right” as it would seem…
2016-09-25 23:56:37
>> #247789
(hey you there?)
2016-09-25 02:48:24
>> #247656
(k, night :) )
2016-09-25 02:29:55
>> #247655
(maybe, she still hasn't cum yet. but i'm a little tired and your kick didn't help :p try tomorrow.)
2016-09-25 02:15:58
>> #247653
(it's okay. so... do you wanna try again or are you done with this?)
2016-12-08 06:27:28
>> #254846
^you forgot know in your comment
2016-12-08 04:58:41
>> #254845
Don't what the one girls so pissed about having an Asian butt in your face in all
2016-12-08 03:52:03
>> #254837
I have a feeling that they probably have that censored on the DVD's which is really going to piss people off that want to see her boobs
2016-12-08 03:17:57
>> #254826
ikr just like that season one episode when Heather's shirt got ripped because of a branch. They censored her breasts since it is on Cartoon Network. Idk about the DVDs.
2016-12-08 00:27:33
>> #254812
This would've been awesome to see on the show too bad the censors are going to be dicks about it by not showing any of it

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