Date Dec 1, 2019User QuagmireRating ExplicitScore 12(vote up)
2020-04-09 14:59:38
>> #361803
Wish to hear the wolf's grunting and howling.
2019-12-09 04:13:50
>> #351413
It's not surprising that Lara would secretly want to fuck a wolf. She always seemed like the kind of girl that loves fucking animals.
2019-12-09 04:10:54
>> #351410
A deep education on the matter is being administered here. She tends to wander in the buff for that very reason.
2019-12-09 03:48:44
>> #351399
Lara Croft has learned to dangers of aimlessly wandering the woods in the nude.
2020-04-09 09:33:42
>> #361795
The FBI agent looked nervously at the two special consultants Miss Black and Miss White, it was his first time working with them, he knew they weren't their real names, he had no idea who they really were, but when there was an out side of the box problem they were very good a solving it, but it could get very messy, so he had been told. This is an odd one, he said, Miss Black smiled, well I would think so otherwise we wouldn't be here, please go on, OK, said the agent with a sigh, we've been having a series of bank robberies in the mid-west over the last four months. There are four in the gang, armed with automatic weapons, three rob the place while the fourth provides look out, their starting to get vicious, the shot a guard in the stomach after he surrendered, he didn't make it, they also pistol whipped a manager into a coma because they thought he was slow getting out the money. That's bad enough but here is where it gets weird, as soon as they enter the bank all electronics shut down, security cameras shut off so we have no images, silent alarms go dead so no police called, and electronic locks fail, and when they do their in the open position when their fail safe should be to stay locked. Our experts can't see how they're doing it, there's no sign of malware plus all the banks have military grade firewalls and security software. That's bad enough but this is where it gets really strange, there is a fifth member who we think is being coerced, it's a black girl of about fourteen, at least that's what some of the witnesses estimate, she is completely naked and stands near the doors chanting the whole time in an unknown language, the fourth member always has a gun on her which is why we think she is being coerced. Hmmmm, said Miss Black, the fact she is naked sounds like she is a priestess of Gia, the language she is using is the very first one which is unknown to anyone else, she is chanting a spell which knocks out your electronics, she has to be unclothed for this to work, her bare feet must be in contact with the earth, her bare skin with the air to harness the power of Gia, wiccan witches don't dance naked in the woods for the fun of it, it's part of the power ritual, the poor girl would have only come into her powers and knowledge when she hit pubity, I need to see a friend about this, when I get a time and location for the next robbery me and Miss White can tackle it, but you will need your special clean up crew for after, damn, thought the agent, they weren't joking about it getting messy. The house was a good size but didn't look out of place in the affluent neighborhood, Miss White stayed in the car, the girl who opened the door smiled at Bastet AKA Miss Black, she is expecting you, she is in the garden, was all she said, Bastet quickly undressed and walked outside naked, the garden was large and beautiful, not overlooked by its neighbors, under a tree was sitting an old woman also nude. Welcome, she said, it's not everyday we get a visit from a cat goddess, and how is your werewolf lover, she is keeping well I hope. Kim (AKA Miss White) is fine thank you, said Bastet smiling, I suppose you know why I am here, alas yes, said the high priestess of Gia, a failure on our part, she was living in a foster home when they kidnapped her, we should have found her long before that, here is the information you need, we only ask that you bring her here after, she will need a lot of love and care. But of course, said Bastet taking the note with the time and place of the next robbery, second sight can come in very handy at times, and here is a little token of gratitude, said the old woman grasping Bastet's bare shoulders, power coursed through Bastet's body, she shuddered and almost cried out in ectasy, she had not felt this powerful in centuries. The girl shivered in the back of the van, all she had on was a dressing gown and it was a cool day, the man who guarded her and who's job was to stand look out grinned, he grinned at her enjoying the fact she was cold. God but he hated n*****s, just a few more jobs then he looked forward to retirement, but not before putting a bullet in the back of her head, he had a spot in the woods picked out for her grave, but before all of that her mouth, pussy and ass would finally have an appointment with his cock. The van stopped, we're here, he grunted, without a word the girl stood up and dropped the dressing gown, underneath she was naked, she had been so overwhelmingly embarrassed the first few times she was forced to strip, but now she barely gave it a thought, walking into the bank she concentrated hard as she started to chant, the spell took a lot out of her. Sitting in a car further down the street Bastet and Kim watched it start to happen, remember once the girl is free you carry her back here, said Bastet, I'll take care of the rest of them, Kim just nodded with a grin, the bastards had it coming to them big time. Standing naked by the car Bastet slipped into her true form, her body stayed the same but her skin turned from a light tan to a jet black while her head turned into that of an elegant cat, claws slid out from under her finger nails, she was just a streak as she ran towards the bank with Kim following, the shear power felt amazing. It happen so fast the man guarding the girl had no time to react, the doors of the bank exploded as Bastet ran through them, she swung an arm and the man's head toppled from his shoulders as her claws sliced through his neck, the ragged stump pumped out blood as his body collapsed, Kim who was close behind her scooped up the stunned girl and ran back with her to the car, and now for the others, thought Bastet. The second man just had time to empty half a magazine from his Uzi into her chest before her claws struck, he looked down puzzled at the bloody stump where his gun hand had been before the next strike took out half of his throat, he made a gargling sound as he fell, before the third man could fire a flying kick shattered his rib cage, the sharp splinters of bone shredded his lungs, blood poured out of his nose and mouth in his last moments. Do your worst you bitch, said the final man before her fist punched its way into his face and out of the back of his skull taking most of his brain with it, Bastet slipped back panting into her human form, most of her new energy was gone, my god that was fun, she thought, now she was just a beautiful naked woman covered in blood, the bullet holes in her chest had already stopped bleeding and were starting to quickly close up, soon the would be no sign they had been ever there, with a retch she vomited up all the spent bullets then walked out of the bank. She slid naked into the back seat of the car next to the shivering girl, she hugged her then covered them both with a warm blanket as Kim drove away towards the house and freedom for the girl. The clean up crew got to work, statements from the witnesses in the bank were taken, the bodies removed, blood mopped up, no one noticed the man enter the security room, he made a copy of the cameras film, they had started to work as soon as the girl stopped her chant, then wiped the hard drive with shredder software. The man who officially did not exist and headed an ultra secret intelligence department watched the film, some of it had to be played in slow motion to capture the action, he froze it after Bastet had slipped back into her human form, he gazed at her naked blood covered body, my god isn't she just magnificent, he said, the man's companion, the great god Thor grinned as he looked at her nakedness, he could feel his penis becoming erect at the sight of her, well, he said with a smile, isn't she just, it's been a while since we've had sex together, I'll have to give her a call!!!
2019-10-26 07:51:50
>> #346858
What happened to the stories here, I was enjoying reading them, who the fuck took them down.
Date Jun 2, 2015User ROOSTALOONRating ExplicitScore 17(vote up)
2020-04-09 08:13:12
>> #361792
That penis is so Japanese!
2017-02-18 11:00:36
>> #261770
Ah shiet, why you gotta give Link the short end of the stick man? (No pun intended)
2020-04-09 08:07:55
>> #361791
The eyes are great. Face is too alien shaped.
2020-04-09 08:01:52
>> #361790
The eyes and hips look incredibly stupid.
2020-04-09 07:34:19
>> #361789
Its not too tight at all, Derrierity! *smacks your ass*
2013-11-18 01:51:01
>> #111433
Man I wish I was him doing that to her!!!
2013-07-07 01:07:20
>> #94166
Butt Stallion says hello.
2013-04-04 04:55:47
>> #83777
Sweet jesus! please make an Applejack or a fluttershy one. ;D
2013-03-24 06:31:53
>> #82572
out of the three this is my favorite
2020-04-09 07:31:57
>> #361788
Looks like Pinkies exposed tushy needs a pushy!
2020-04-09 06:40:43
>> #361787
Haha! Yes, I considered to have some continuation of the arm, since perspective is generally lost during a trace (sometimes I let the original shading of the "living" picture shine through, but I choose not to in this case), which can give the impression of "non-natural" poses or lengths of arms and legs (thickness is the more general problem, but not in this case). Regarding the tits... Those are generally asymmetric in real life, and I like to keep it so or even exaggerate in some cases. I can make changes upon request. One thing you almost always do, is to increase the size of the head. Anatomically correct head size looks pretty unnatural on cartoons. :)
2020-04-09 04:33:55
>> #361776
Is the surprise your lumpy, poorly formed tits, or your missing left arm?
Date May 29, 2019User rogermarisRating ExplicitScore 6(vote up)
2020-04-09 05:54:07
>> #361782
Just hurry up Homer and take the damned photo, the blood is rushing to my head!!!
2019-06-21 08:10:55
>> #337024
Sex should be extra fun
Date Feb 17, 2009User rule35Rating ExplicitScore 7(vote up)
2020-04-09 05:40:58
>> #361780
She needs to do the same thing to Homer...
2014-04-05 17:37:47
>> #127550
for the cinemax series of the simpsoms

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