2020-07-15 03:59:13
>> #366841
Roberta was just going to sleep when the solution came to her, the answer to the fourth order differential equation she had been wrestling with all week, she jumped out of bed and strode into the shared living room of the dorm. The large whiteboard was on one wall, too large for her room, it was OK here as her room mate never used it, on it in all its glory was the equation, Roberta got to work, quickly everything slotted into place perfectly, she was standing back admiring her hard work when the other bedroom door opened. Steve had gone to bed early, worn out from hard study plus even harder sex with Meg, now he woke up hungry, with a yawn and a stretch he got out of bed, it was late so his room mate would be tucked away in her room, so not bothering with a dressing gown he opened his door and froze. The light was on and his room mate stood at her whiteboard, she turned and looked at him, an excited smile on her face, I did it, she exclaimed, I finally did it, this was by far the hardest thing I've tackled so far and I feel great. Steve was taken by surprise at first but he finally got his voice back, errrr that's all very nice but do you realize you're completely naked, Roberta looked down at her self then up with an embarrassed grin, it was hard to tell if she was blushing with her very dark skin, she made no effort to cover herself, what would be the point now, oops so I am, she replied, I just jumped out of bed when the answer came to me, I completely forgot to dress, but in reply so are you and that's a very nice erection you have there if you don't mind me saying. It was Steve's turn to look down at him self, his erect penis stood out horizontally like a flag pole, he looked up with a red face but made no effort to cover him self, what would be the point now, he said, errrr thanks, I ah well I got up because am hungry and as it's late and I thought you were in bed I didn't bother to dress, it's not the first time I've done this, me neither, said Roberta, it's quite stimulating doing maths in the nude. Steve ran his eyes up and down her figure again, he couldn't help him self, if anything he could feel his erection grow harder at the sight of her lovely nakedness, she did the same to his lean muscular body and especially to his rigid penis, she could feel her self getting wet between her legs, errrr very nice breasts by the way, he half mumbled, and I like the look of your shaved pussy, thanks, she said, she lifted up her D-cup breasts, I am rather proud of these guys and as for my pussy I find it feels more comfortable in this hot weather, errrr me too that's why I shave also, said Steve. She stared at him, he stared at her, finally she broke the embarrassing spell by kneeling in front of him, what the hell, she exclaimed, let me get you nice and wet then we can have a good hard fuck, so saying she swallowed his erection as far down as she could get it, gagging as she pulled out she started to suck the head of his penis. After she cried out, oh god yes, yes, yes, as he thrust vigorously away inside her pussy while she hung on to the foot of his bed for dear life, oh god, she gasped, this is almost as good as maths and physics, as he penetrated her depths over and over, finally he ejaculated his cum deep inside her, they lay spent and still naked on his bed holding hands, her black skin contrasting with his white, that was oh so good, she said, and now we've been naked together I needn't wear clothes any more in the rooms, I find being nude while I think and study very relaxing, it helps me a lot, and as for the sex that was great, we must do this regularly, plus it's good exorcise. Steve sighed and said, I'll be honest with you, the sex was awesome and I'd love to do it again on a regular bases, but do know Meg Griffin, she rooms with my sister Hayley, yes I know her in passing, said Roberta, she seems nice, she is, replied Steve, and I've been having sex with her the last month.That's OK, said Roberta, I really don't mind sharing as long as you tell her, if you've got the stamina we could even have a threesome together, hmmmm, said Steve, I think she'd be OK with that, good, said Roberta rolling over on her stomach and scooting down until her head was level with his crotch, now let's wake the little man up, she said with a big grin, I want to make him stiff and wet, there is still my ass to fuck, with that she popped his limp penis in her mouth and began to work her magic with her tongue!!!
2020-06-06 09:46:13
>> #365173
Hold girls, click, another one for the album, said Brian with a big grin and even bigger erection!!!
2019-07-20 08:19:00
>> #339432
Wow said Roberta, that looks good, you've got to let me try that!!!
2019-05-16 05:49:10
>> #333283
Meg: "Ooooooh oh..."
Hayley: "Shut up Meg."
Roberta: "Yeah, shut up Meg" *Starts fingering herself*
2019-05-16 00:13:14
>> #333268
I love the animation. The was her puss moves is fantastic
Date Jul 13, 2020User ubw2321Rating QuestionableScore 15(vote up)
2020-07-14 03:16:46
>> #366840
Mmmm Goth has the best lingerie <3
2020-07-14 03:04:23
>> #366838
they have nice lingeries <3
2020-07-14 02:01:39
>> #366836
2020-07-14 01:16:19
>> #366835
Finally, a new comic
2020-07-13 20:30:40
>> #366826
2020-07-13 20:10:29
>> #366825
is it a new comic?
2020-07-14 00:14:20
>> #366834
The only battery power stimulates her!
2018-12-19 09:55:39
>> #322566
Jessie was always my favorite
2020-07-13 23:48:43
>> #366833
Whisper Is so beautiful I would like fuck ver so deep , harder and cum inside her
2020-03-05 00:32:52
>> #359119
Whisper is so gorgeous. I'd fuck her pussy so deep.
2020-07-13 23:29:01
>> #366832
That's my honeybun! Sounds like a fair match to me. Let's see how these Kazama cousins handle us... ;)
2020-07-13 23:12:14
>> #366830
wheres the fun in goin in alone? you and I vs Futa asuka and jin;)
2020-07-13 22:30:44
>> #366828
Sounds like the best match-up(s) yet! Want to go at it together or separately?
2020-06-30 11:45:22
>> #366186
and of course,Asuka vs. me and you JKF:)
2020-06-28 22:59:53
>> #366117
Asuka vs. Alisa. Asuka vs. Lucky Chloe. Asuka vs. Katarina. Asuka vs. Zafina. Asuka vs. Julia. Asuka vs. Nina. Asuka vs. Eliza. Asuka vs. Lili. Asuka vs. Miharu.These all sound like excellent match-ups! I would love to see how they fare against such a massive cock, both separately and all together!

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