01/08/14 05:55AM
Hey, I'm back! Kinda. Sorta. Not really.
Yup. Hello to all who remember me! If not, I was a primary gay porn uploader (a couple times subject) here a couple years ago. Now after a hiatus I'm here again! :D

Those who don't know me- I'm a gay 21 year old hailing from sunny Arizona (high tomorrow of 60 degrees :P), a legend in my own mind, and given to ramblings, rambling and sex. I'm a skinny jean wearing hipster, as well as something of an otaku. My type? Twinks with a decent amount of muscle, preferably emo/scene. I'm also talkative (see: this long-ass post) and generally a nice guy who's hard to piss off. And generous. And smart. And modest! ^_^

Sadly don't expect uploads from me. Or do. Not sure. Just letting you know I'll be lurking again! Shout at me if you were around back then. Or if you wanna shout at me in general about me being a sick demented fuck. Whatevs! See you round.

P.S. Do I have to go through the mandatory new user initiation again with the ropes, tobasco and the local renaissance fair? ...what? That's just my typical Thursday night? Right! Sorry! I get those confused.

P.P.S. I forgot my signature! Where.. Aha! As always, <3 X
01/08/14 01:51PM
wub wub, oldskool people coming back is always good <3
01/08/14 02:16PM
01/08/14 04:39PM
The slaying duck is still here owning websites and shit! Le woot. And hello hammer!

Now where's unknown money with a comment that makes perfect sense and no sense at all? I know he's here somewhere! <3 X
01/08/14 06:20PM
He's around. He's kind of like my pet idiot.
01/08/14 06:54PM
HammersandTongs said:
He's around. He's kind of like my pet idiot.

Pfft. Awesome. I really do wonder about him sometimes.
01/09/14 04:48AM
yea slayerduck been around sometime, not all the time.
01/09/14 08:12AM
There's unknownmoney! Now it's a party! Hello.
01/09/14 03:05PM
01/09/14 03:15PM
01/09/14 06:43PM
Hi again alaron. :D
01/09/14 10:53PM
The fuuun has arriiiived! ;D
01/10/14 04:46AM
Yea lol, this is going to be fun and no hammer I don't have a cage.
01/10/14 05:31AM
Hiiii blarity!
01/10/14 02:06PM
unknowmoney23 said:
Yea lol, this is going to be fun and no hammer I don't have a cage.

No, bad Unknow. Bad. You get the squirty squirts.
1 23>>>

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