04/07/13 12:08AM
HammersandTongs said:
"T-thanks. I haven't eaten for two days."

Savien smiles weakly. This has gone far better than expected.

"But surely I should pay? I don't feel right taking something freely. Let me work, at the least. I insist."

He stumbles a bit and adjusts his helm. Clad in armour, he's about as graceful as a buffalo on PCP.
Oh yes!You must pay me least two dollars would be no trouble at all :3
04/07/13 12:21AM
Savien shakes his head and pulls off his helm, revealing bright eyes, brown hair, and a young face.

"I'm sorry, I d-don't have anything. I live on what the town gives me."

He blushes.

"N-not to say I can't pay! I could help around the house, couldn't I? I won't be any trouble-"

He becomes aware that he has been rudely staring this entire time.
"S-sorry, I didn't mean to-, not that I wouldnt-, not that I...oh bother."

His facepalm sends birds scattering from nearby trees.
04/07/13 01:30AM
HammersandTongs said:
Savien shakes his head and pulls off his helm, revealing bright eyes, brown hair, and a young face.

"I'm sorry, I d-don't have anything. I live on what the town gives me."

He blushes.

"N-not to say I can't pay! I could help around the house, couldn't I? I won't be any trouble-"

He becomes aware that he has been rudely staring this entire time.
"S-sorry, I didn't mean to-, not that I wouldnt-, not that I...oh bother."

His facepalm sends birds scattering from nearby trees.

That doesn´t sound like a facepalm...more like a punch to the face...
04/07/13 02:15AM
(It's clocking in at a force of six kilopicards!)
04/07/13 03:21AM
Professor_Genki said:
HammersandTongs said:
Savien shakes his head and pulls off his helm, revealing bright eyes, brown hair, and a young face.

"I'm sorry, I d-don't have anything. I live on what the town gives me."

He blushes.

"N-not to say I can't pay! I could help around the house, couldn't I? I won't be any trouble-"

He becomes aware that he has been rudely staring this entire time.
"S-sorry, I didn't mean to-, not that I wouldnt-, not that I...oh bother."

His facepalm sends birds scattering from nearby trees.

That doesn´t sound like a facepalm...more like a punch to the face...
*I give a sexy smirk seeing as his are glaring at my magnificent mounds*Oh thats Quite alright.I know youre trying your best not to "Try anything" ;3 So does any of your townsfolk have anything for this fair delicate well edowed maiden?
04/07/13 03:28AM
Savien involuntarily takes a step back, intimidated.

"Of my meagre possessions, o-only my armour and sword are of worth, m'lady. But I mustn't part with them..."

He shrugs, rubbing the back of his neck.

"What -would- you take in trade, m'lady?"
04/07/13 05:15AM
HammersandTongs said:
Savien involuntarily takes a step back, intimidated.

"Of my meagre possessions, o-only my armour and sword are of worth, m'lady. But I mustn't part with them..."

He shrugs, rubbing the back of his neck.

"What -would- you take in trade, m'lady?"
"This.."*I reach down in between the large clevelage of my breast moving it around*Ngh!its go to be in here somewhere for this night!
04/07/13 05:20AM
Savien stares in confusion at Blarity, not particularly sure what to do and wondering how deep her cleavage has to be for her to take such a long time searching. Nervously he takes a seat and begins to take his uncomfortable armour off. After several minutes of this, he manages to get his breastplate, gorget, sabatons, gauntlets and greaves off, leaving his tunic and slightly tattered breaches.
04/07/13 05:30AM
Here take this*Gives him a small magical potion*its a magical potion*Looks at the potion then looks at him glaring at his mesmeric body and enthralling bulge*Oh-*Gulp*uh hehe.Use this Mwhen youre in danger(Inner Thoughts:Sweet Mary,Mosses and essiah look at dat package! Im gonna get laid tonight bitches!OwO)D-d-do you want some more pie? O_O
04/07/13 05:34AM
"Um, thank you. Y-you're very kind."

He accepts the pie and potion and fidgets uneasily on the bench. He wonders why she's staring at him so intently. Has he done something wrong?
04/07/13 05:46AM
Heh.youre so very welcome.So..very..very..welcome.*I said with lust filled eyes as I continued to glare once more at his amazingly huge bulge in his pants(Inner Thoughts:God damn it Taylor control yourself!I know youve never been laid before but that doesnt mean you have to stare at his baracuda cock!)
So..uh..what is thous name?
04/07/13 05:53AM
"Savien, m'lady. Savien of Lerhydda. My chieftain sent me off to find new grazing lands for the horses, but I found this place to my liking and stayed on as a guard."

He smiles, relaxing slightly.

"I wonder if I'll ever go back. I'd like to complete my rites of manhood at the very least."

It becomes noticeable how young Savien really is, barely out of his teens. His green eyes flash with pride as he describes his tribe and he forgets much of his anxiety. Then he realizes that she's staring again and tenses up. <Is she going to eat me...?>
"M-may I ask your name, lady?"
04/07/13 06:04AM
PrincessBLARITY royal heir to this kingdom of mine*I set my eyes at ease seeing as he looks a bit younger than me*Oh really?I have plenty of gaurds in my castle so you can be my personal gaurd if you like :3
(Im gonna tear this fine as white boy up when I get the chance!)
04/07/13 06:09AM
Savien smiles.

"I cannot say I have such noble lineage as m'lady. I'm the son of a wolf tamer and little more."

His hand absently goes to the hilt of his broadsword.

"I'd be honoured to serve you, lady. It is the least I may do in return for your hospitality."
04/07/13 06:15AM
HammersandTongs said:
Savien smiles.

"I cannot say I have such noble lineage as m'lady. I'm the son of a wolf tamer and little more."

His hand absently goes to the hilt of his broadsword.

"I'd be honoured to serve you, lady. It is the least I may do in return for your hospitality."
Oh thank you my Fair Knight.Let us goeth to the malleth!But first you must help me in taking a bath
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