07/23/13 03:47PM
PrincessBLARITY said:
Ahaha!This was one fucknut of a thread! >XD

*pulls out my Assult rifles and starts killingeerything*AAAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAAA!DIIIIIEE YOU FUCKING BITCHEEEEESSS!>BD.....
Woman dies:aaahhh!
Pregnant lady dies:Ahhh!Im in labor!
Bakery man dies:nooo!!*then I steal his pastries*
Kills a man who has epilespy and hes having multipe tourette attacks:gahlrlrlrllrrbolbohobloghsaoiqpeo!
Me:Haha hey!this is kinda fun :3
Old man dies:Ahh!My hip!Ohhh!you fucking bitch! 3x<
Old lady:Oh my ass!aahhh shit!Dx<
*All of the people are dead and shot up.I throw a russian grenade high up in the air shooting at it.It blows up creating a kickass background*
You wield the crappiest guns, girl. -Holds out a minigun- Time for you to level up. ›:P
07/24/13 02:18AM
Ghetto Moment from PrincessBLARITY
Excuse me?!*Holds my rifle up to his forehead*you know I have more weapons that I can use and suprise with your ass
Guy behind me:Youre hot<3w<3*shoots his ass with my gun behind me*aaahhh ooowww!I stil love youuuuu!

Ha!you think you can beat my Ak-47 with your puny little toy squirt gun?bring it bitch!>B3
07/24/13 04:14AM
PrincessBLARITY said:
Excuse me?!*Holds my rifle up to his forehead*you know I have more weapons that I can use and suprise with your ass
Guy behind me:Youre hot<3w<3*shoots his ass with my gun behind me*aaahhh ooowww!I stil love youuuuu!

Ha!you think you can beat my Ak-47 with your puny little toy squirt gun?bring it bitch!>B3
Your jealous, it's ok to let it out. :3 -Gives hug-
07/24/13 04:30AM
what the fuck?
07/24/13 04:38AM
unknowmoney23 said:
what the fuck?
Isn't friendship magical? :3
07/24/13 05:23AM
*He mushes his head inbetween my breasts*hey!get out of there! 3:<
07/24/13 05:30AM
TyrannWright said:
unknowmoney23 said:
what the fuck?
Isn't friendship magical? :3

I wish it was magical dude, damn i wish it was.
07/24/13 06:04AM
PrincessBLARITY said:
*He mushes his head inbetween my breasts*hey!get out of there! 3:<
Girl, I'm taller than your midget ass. X3 (5'11")
07/24/13 10:14AM
5'3 of whoop ass bitch!>BD
07/24/13 02:04PM
I'm -I'm 5'4
07/24/13 04:16PM
Y'all are munchkins, but that just Blarity more cute. X3
07/24/13 11:00PM
TyrannWright said:
Y'all are munchkins, but that just Blarity more cute. X3
Psssh youre not that tall >.>
07/25/13 01:10AM
PrincessBLARITY said:
TyrannWright said:
Y'all are munchkins, but that just Blarity more cute. X3
Psssh youre not that tall >.>
You wished. :3
07/25/13 05:18AM
mmhmm yeah whatevz*shoots that squirrels nuts off*
Squirrel:aaaahh!Mah nuts!You bitch!Mah baaaaawwwllss!3x<
07/25/13 02:31PM
PrincessBLARITY said:
mmhmm yeah whatevz*shoots that squirrels nuts off*
Squirrel:aaaahh!Mah nuts!You bitch!Mah baaaaawwwllss!3x<
GAH, A TALKING MUTANT RAT!!! >:U -Smashes it with a sledgehammer- Piece of shit... >:L
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